Understanding ArcGIS technology - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs


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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

Communication between HxGN EAM and ArcGIS Server is accomplished using web services. GIS map services to be displayed inside HxGN EAM are defined by installation parameters. These map services are published via the GIS as REST URLs. HxGN EAM releases prior to 11.1 utilized only SOAP URLs. However, beginning with HxGN EAM 11.1, new GIS map screens and pop-ups were developed and optimized to utilize REST only. This has resulted in significantly improved performance as well as greater functionality and stability.

HxGN EAM is using ESRI’s ArcGIS JavaScript API to provide support for REST web services. Based on this architecture the map display works as follows:

  1. When an equipment map is viewed or a map search is performed, a web service call is made to the GIS Server specified in the GISSERV installation parameter.

  2. The web service scans the map layer(s) specified on the searched equipment for the unique GIS ID(s) associated to both the EAM equipment and GIS feature(s).

  3. The GIS server then generates a map image showing the location of the feature(s) and makes it available in a virtual directory on the GIS server.

  4. HxGN EAM retrieves it and returns it for "display" in the appropriate screen.

HxGN EAM can consume map services published to an ArcGIS Server that has been federated to an ArcGIS Portal.

See the ArcGIS portal section for details.

See the HxGN EAM Configuration for GIS for more information on defining services.