Liquid Water - Intergraph Smart Instrumentation - Reference - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Instrumentation Sizing Equations

Intergraph Smart Instrumentation
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  1. Calculate FF:

    ControlValveSizing_LiquidWater 1

  2. Calculate n:

    ControlValveSizing_LiquidWater 2

  3. Calculate Kc :

  4. Calculate effective head coefficients:

    ControlValveSizing_LiquidWater 4a

    CalculateValveSizing_LiquidWater 4b

  5. Calculate first value of CV:

    ControlValveSizing_LiquidWater 5

  6. Calculate Fp:

    ControlValveSizing_LiquidWater 6

  7. Calculate Kcv:


  8. Calculate FLP:

    ControlValveSizing_LiquidWater 7

  9. Calculate Re:

    CalculateValveSizing_LiquidWater 9

  10. Calculate DPA:

    ControlValveSizing_LiquidWater 10

  11. Calculate Fr:

    At this stage, the following cases for different Re are possible:

    1. Case Re< - Laminar flow

      ControlValveSizing_LiquidWater 11a

    2. Case 56 < Re <40000 - Transitional flow

      ControlValveSizing_LiquidWater 11b

      ControlValveSizing_LiquidWater 11c

      ControlValveSizing_LiquidWater 11d

      ContrplValveSizing_LiquidWater 11e

      ControlValveSizing_LiquidWater 11f

      ControlValveSizing_LiquidWater 11g

    3. Case Re>40000 - Turbulent flow

      ControlValvaSizing_LiquidWater 11

  12. The condition ControlValveSizing_LiquidWater 12 determines:

    Case A - Cavitation and Flashing

    1. Cavitation takes place if P2ñPV, otherwise flashing case takes place.

    2. Calculate new CV.

      ISA Standard:

      ControlValveSizing_LiquidWater 12b ISA

      IEC Standard:

      ControlValveSizing_LiquidWater 12b IEC

    Case B (P1 - P2 £ DP A) - Usual

    ISA Standard:

    ControlValveSizing_LiguidWater 12 Case B ISA 1

    ControlValveSizing_LiguidWater 12 Case B ISA 2

    IEC Standard:

    ControlValveSizing_LiguidWater 12 Case B IEC

  13. Calculate the relative change in the CV:

    ControlValveSizing_LiquidWater 13

  14. Steps 5 to 13 are repeated until the relative change in the CV is less than 0.001.

  15. Define "Incipient" case. The "Incipient" case takes place if

    ControlValveSizing_LiquidWater 15

  16. Calculate outlet pipe velocity:

    ControlValve Sizing_LiquidWater