Configure Smart Electrical Web API to generate common metadata - Intergraph Smart Electrical - 2.1 - Installation & Upgrade

Intergraph Smart Electrical Web API Installation and Configuration

Intergraph Smart Electrical
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Smart Electrical Web Version

You can configure Smart Electrical Web API to generate common metadata for item properties that are shared by all plants in all the registered sites, or to generate all item properties under the plant metadata (except for SP_IDs) as for previous software versions. The common metadata configuration is required if you need to run your requests to support multi-tenant, multiple database platform, or multiple version environments, or within tools that support several applications, such as Hexagon Xalt.

  1. In the SEL Web API installation folder, locate and open the web.config file.

  2. Go to the 'IsGenerateCommonMetadata' setting and set its value as follows:

    <add key="IsGenerateCommonMetadata" value="true" />

    This value sets the software to display in the common metadata all properties of items that are common to all the plants in all sites; properties that are not shared by all the plants appear in the plant metadata only.

  3. To set all item properties to appear in the plant metadata (except for the items' IDs), set the value of this key to 'false', and use proper namespace for the request.

    For example, to request a specific property in Query options:‘SPEL2014_R1_Site’)/Plants(‘PlantName’)/Vessels/Com.Ingr.SEL.V2.SPEL2014_R1_Site.PlantName.Vessel/?$select=Description

    The namespace value is 'Com.Ingr.SEL.V2.SPEL2014_R1_Site.PlantName'. Entity type is concatenated to the namespace indicating the Odata to search the property under 'Vessel'.

    The namespace value can be found in the Common Metadata references for plant metadata.

    For Smart Electrical Version 2.1.7 and above, the 'IsGenerateCommonMetadata' is set to 'False' by default.

  • When the ‘IsGenerateCommonMetadata’ parameter is set to 'false':

    • Common metadata contains only static information about plant reference data, entities, and their navigation properties only. All the non-navigation properties appear in plant metadata.

    • The plant metadata loads only on demand.

  • Properties that appear under common metadata are unauthorized, that is, they can be viewed by any user. Properties that appear under the plant metadata require specific user credentials to generate an authorization token before the user can view them.

  • Regardless of the setting value, any properties that do not appear in all the plants appear under the plant metadata. For more details of how the settings affect the allocation of item properties between common and plant metadata, see Metadata configuration examples.

  • If the 'IsGenerateCommonMetadata' setting is missing from the web.config file, the software behaves as if it were present with its value set to 'true'.