Tool Requirements for Integrating Smart P&ID - Intergraph Smart P&ID - 2019 (9.0) - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart P&ID Installation and Upgrade

Intergraph Smart P&ID
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Installation & Upgrade
Smart P&ID Version
9 (2019)

This topic describes rules and settings that allow Smart P&ID data to be shared correctly with Aspen Basic Engineering, Smart Instrumentation, Smart 3D, and the other tools that are part of an integrated environment. Other tools that are not listed here have no known Smart P&ID/integration issues.

General Integration Requirements

The following is a list of best practice scenarios for using Smart P&ID so that data will migrate correctly to other tools:

  • In general, when modifying P&IDs that have been published, avoid unnecessarily deleting items in order to move them inside the active drawing or moving them to other drawings. Deleting and replacing items (with the same tag), causes additional work in applications retrieving the P&IDs that might negate the time-saving benefits of the P&ID changes.

  • When working with Projects and As-Built, all instruments to be published must be placed on a P&ID drawing or in the active drawing stockpile. This is because the plant stockpile is not communicated back and forth between Projects and As-Built.

  • To enable publishing from a project, you must create a project in SmartPlant Foundation with the same name (case-sensitive) as the P&ID project.

  • When creating symbols, connection points (piping, signal, and auxiliary) must be added in the correct sequence. See the Important note at the end of Place Point Ribbon (Smart P&ID) in Catalog Manager Help.

    Signal points and piping points are not supported for Equipment and Equipment Components when publishing to SmartPlant Foundation.

  • When creating formats for use with Smart P&ID publishing, the formats must be added and mapped in SPPIDDataMap.xml using Schema Editor. The UID string of the custom SPMapUOMDef map file must be of the form SPMU_<NN>_<FormatName>, where 'NN' represents the SPMapUOMListDef ID for the format type (for example Temperature = 5; Pressure = 27). Because spaces or restricted characters are not allowed in the UID string, custom format names must not include spaces or restricted characters.

  • If you intend to publish select lists (enum lists) to SmartPlant Foundation, make sure that you review the SmartPlant Adapter for Smart P&ID Help to understand the requirements (see under Data Transformation Logic > Publish/Retrieve).

  • If the Smart P&ID item tag validation allows for duplicate tags, this might have an impact on downstream tools such as Smart Instrumentation, which does not allow duplicates. In such cases, allowing duplicates in Smart P&ID can cause problems in the retrieving tool.

    By default, Smart P&ID item tag validation does not allow duplicate item tags for loops or instruments.

Integration with Smart Instrumentation

Retrieving Documents

If a Smart P&ID drawing that includes items with a flow direction is to be retrieved by Smart Instrumentation, a flow direction of End 1 Upstream or End 1 Downstream must be defined in Smart P&ID. Bi-directional flow is not supported.

Connect to Process Lines

Connect to Process lines are required for connecting instruments to equipment nozzles and pipe runs in Smart P&ID.

All non-piped offline equipment instruments must be connected to vessels through non-electric signal lines and nozzles in Smart P&ID. This enables Smart Instrumentation to recognize that instruments are connected to vessels.

If Smart P&ID assigns an object to an intermediate level in the hierarchy and publishes, Smart Instrumentation assigns the object to the level in the hierarchy in Smart Instrumentation determined by their logic. Because instruments belong to units in Smart Instrumentation, an instrument assigned to the intermediate level in Smart P&ID will be assigned to the unit in Smart Instrumentation. Panels will be assigned to the plant. Smart P&ID might get an update on retrieve to move the object to another level in the hierarchy than where it was published based on the move done automatically by Smart Instrumentation. Panels will move to the top level; instruments will move to the bottom.

Deleting and Adding Items

When you are working in a Projects environment, and items are correlated using the SmartPlant integration tools, you should minimize deleting and re-adding any items. Smart P&ID reuses tag numbers in the numbering scheme when you delete and re-add items. Smart Instrumentation tracks tag numbers claimed in a project, and this tracking does not work if tag numbers are reused after correlation. If you must delete an item in this situation, you can delete the item to the Smart P&ID Stockpile.

Instrument Expansion

A Smart P&ID instrument or loop tag does not always have a 1:1 relationship with instruments in Smart Instrumentation. In some cases, a single item tag in a P&ID corresponding to an instrument or loop needs to be expanded to create several instruments when publishing the data for Smart Instrumentation. For this purpose, the Expansion Type property in Smart P&ID specifies the expansion behavior when publishing an instrument or loop. Each value of the property corresponds to a Smart Instrumentation rule that determines which instrument types and numbers are to be created in Smart Instrumentation when the Smart P&ID tag is expanded and retrieved.

When retrieving data back to Smart P&ID, the behavior of a particular instrument created by expansion is determined by Smart Instrumentation parameters. For an expanded instrument, the state of the IRetrievableExpansion interface determines whether that instrument will be retrieved by Smart P&ID: if the IRetrievableExpansion interface is realized, the instrument is retrieved, whereas if the IRetrievableExpansion interface is not realized, the instrument is not retrieved. The 'parent' item tag is always retrieved, regardless of the realization state of the IRetrievableExpansion interface.


Smart Instrumentation uses physical ports, while Smart P&ID uses logical ports. Smart Instrumentation publishes the physical ports with the Dimensional Data Sheets and not the Instrument Index. Smart P&ID retrieves the Instrument Index and does not retrieve the Dimensional Data Sheets.

When the workflow goes from Smart P&ID to Smart Instrumentation, followed by Smart Instrumentation publishing the Dimensional Datasheet, a Same As relationship is created between the ports in the SmartPlant Foundation database. That Same As relationship is required by Smart 3D to correctly match the design basis ports to the 3D representation of the ports.

However, when the workflow goes from Smart Instrumentation to Smart P&ID, a Same As relationship is not created in the SmartPlant Foundation database. Without the Same As relationship created in the SmartPlant Foundation database, the result might be additional ports in Smart 3D. To obtain the Same As relationship on the ports requires that Smart P&ID publish the P&ID with the instrument, this P&ID be retrieved by Smart Instrumentation and then having Smart Instrumentation publish the Dimensional Data Sheet.

Integration with Smart 3D


In Options Manager, ensure that under Settings, the Use Piping Specification setting value is Smart 3D even if the P&ID plant is not validating piping specifications. This is to ensure that the required Piping Component Select List entries are properly set to match the PIP short codes expected by Smart 3D. See Configure Piping Specification Settings in Smart P&ID Options Manager User's Help.

Drawing Items

For Smart 3D to properly determine flow direction in a process run, that process run must be connected to at least 2 items.

Some items that can be represented as single objects in Smart P&ID, such as Vent Detail, are modeled in Smart 3D as a set of separate objects. For full correlation to be established between the two tools, ensure that these objects are modeled in Smart P&ID with the same configuration used to represent them in Smart 3D.


Smart 3D handles temperature and pressure properties in pairs and does not support having a temperature (for example, Normal Operating Temperature) without defining the matching pressure (in this case, Normal Operating Pressure). While this is a valid condition for Smart P&ID, it should be a consideration when publishing for retrieval into Smart 3D. Without the Pressure / Temperature pair of values defined, the Smart 3D user will be required to enter a value that was not defined in Smart P&ID.

Integration with Aspen Basic Engineering

Retrieving Documents

Basic Engineering data sheets can contain multiple objects and can be formatted in a traditional data sheet view or list view (for example, as an equipment list). Data sheets retrieved from Basic Engineering might include stream data, specialty piping data, or relief valve data as required by business practices.

Using the Catalog Index in Smart P&ID and SmartPlant Integration

When you select the Retrieve command, the software accesses the CatalogIndex.mdb and the system performs the following actions:

  1. Using the retrieved document, the object type and classification of the retrieved item is determined.

  2. Using the Smart P&ID Map file, the ItemTypeName (Equipment, PipeRun, PipingComp, Loops, and so forth), and codelist indices for Class, Sub-Class, and Type are determined.

Catalog Index Lookup

The Catalog Index file is used to find a symbol in the catalog with type properties that match the given values. The lookup is performed using the most specific information first. If a match is found, that symbol is used. However, if there is no match, the more generic type information is used for additional searches. In this way, a generic symbol will be returned if no specific symbol is available in the catalog.

Search Based on Type Value

Searches the catalog index for all rows with matching ItemTypeName and Type values and IsDefaultForType = True. If one or more rows are found, the software uses the CatalogItemName from the first one. If no match is found, the software performs the search based on Subclass.

Search Based on Subclass Value

Searches the catalog index for all rows with matching ItemTypeName and SubClass values and IsDefaultForSubclass = True. If one or more rows are found, the software uses the CatalogItemName from the first one. If no match is found, the software performs the search based on Class.

Search Based on Class Value

Searches the catalog index for all rows with matching ItemTypeName and Class values and IsDefaultForClass = True. If one or more rows are found, the software uses the CatalogItemName from the first one. If no match is found, the software returns an empty string.