Installing Oracle Client - Intergraph Smart P&ID - 2019 (9.0) - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart P&ID Installation and Upgrade

Intergraph Smart P&ID
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Installation & Upgrade
Smart P&ID Version
9 (2019)

The Oracle client provides Smart P&ID with the means to interface with the Oracle database server. You install the Oracle client after you have completed the Oracle database server installation. You can install the Oracle client either on a file server or on the local station. If you install the Oracle client on a station, make sure you have the appropriate access rights to the Oracle database server.

Make sure that a compatible Oracle server version is installed. Set up your client Windows regional and language options as you require. You can only set up these options before the client installation. If you want to change the regional and language options after the installation, you will have to reinstall the Oracle client for the changes to take effect.

When running the Oracle client installation, choose the required installation type as follows:


For users who need Administrator functions, such as the ability to create tablespaces and restore backups using Smart Engineering Manager.


For all other users.