Generate deliverables for an IsogenDB project pipeline - Intergraph Smart Isometrics - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Isometrics Help

Intergraph Smart Isometrics
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Smart Isometrics Version
Spoolgen Version

The steps below are applicable for IsogenDB projects only. For all other projects, see Generate an isometric drawing.

Drawing generation within the Isogen Database View window

  1. Select a pipeline in the Isogen Database View window. Use the CTRL and SHIFT keys to select multiple pipelines. If the Isogen Database View window is not open, select Project > Show Project Pipelines.

  2. Select Generate Drawings on the Isogen Database View window toolbar to open the Generate Drawings Dialog.

  3. Specify the settings for Isometric style, Output units, and North arrow as needed.

  4. Select OK to generate the drawing. Depending on the status of the pipeline, the isometric drawing generation process progresses as follows:

Pipeline status

Drawing Generation Steps Performed

Checked In/Pending

  • The pipeline is checked out from the project database.

  • The drawing is generated.

  • The pipeline is checked back in to the project database.

  • All deliverables are uploaded to the project database.

Checked Out

  • The drawing is generated directly on the pipeline in the Work folder.

  • The pipeline is checked in to the project database.

  • The minor version is incremented.

  • All deliverables are uploaded to the project database.

After drawing generation completes, the software displays a message. Select Yes to view the drawing generation log file, or select No to close the message box.

Drawing generation from the Smart Isometrics application window

The following procedure is applicable only if the pipeline is checked out and currently open in the application.

  1. For Smart Isometrics, select Generate Drawings on the Standard toolbar to open the Generate Drawings Dialog. For Intergraph Spoolgen, select Generate Drawing on the Tools toolbar.

  2. Specify the settings for Isometric style, Output units, and North arrow as needed.

  3. Select OK to generate the drawing. After drawing generation completes successfully, the software opens the Deliverables Generated Dialog.

  4. Select Upload Deliverables to post the deliverables to the Isogen project database.

    The Deliverables Generated dialog closes, and the software performs the following sequence of actions: (1). closes the file, (2). checks in the pipeline to the database, (3). checks out the pipeline from the database, (4). re-opens the file in the application, (5). posts deliverables to the database.

  • The software saves any changes made to the open pipeline prior to drawing generation and automatically increments the minor version in the project database.

  • The options on the Deliverables Generated dialog enable you to view the isometric drawing, view the log file created during drawing generation, or view extraction data collected from the drawing generation process. See Deliverables Generated Dialog.

  • If drawing generation fails, the software displays the Drawing Generation Message box. Select View Messages to view the log file, or click Generation Logs to view the extraction data. To close the message box, select OK.