Pipeline Explorer - Intergraph Smart Isometrics - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Isometrics Help

Intergraph Smart Isometrics
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Provides a hierarchical view of the active POD file, including information about the materials and attributes it contains. You can use the hierarchy to easily navigate the piping and component data in the model. To show or hide the Pipeline Explorer, select View > Pipeline Explorer.

SHARED Tip When the Pipeline Explorer is visible, a check mark displays next to the Pipeline Explorer command on the View menu.

Navigating the Pipeline Explorer

The top-most level of the tree view displays the name of the piping file that is currently opened. The node directly underneath, Attributes, contains file attribute information, including the path location of the primary specification and the isometric viewpoint (the direction of North in the model). The remaining nodes reference each of the pipelines that make up the active sketch.

The software identifies each pipeline using a pipeline reference, commonly known as a line ID. By default, the software sets the pipeline reference for the first pipeline to P-1, the second pipeline to P-2, and so on.

Pipeline Explorer

As in Windows Explorer, you can select Expand Node and SPIso ICON Collapse Node to expand and close nodes to show and hide information about the pipeline model. When you expand the Components node for any pipeline reference, the tree view displays a complete list of all the pipe and piping components that make up the pipeline. When you expand the node for a pipe or component item, the tree view displays a variety of item-specific property information. In the example below, all the nodes underneath the slip-on flange on pipeline P-1 are expanded, showing a detailed level of property information:

SPIso WIN Expanded Tree View

You can browse the Pipeline Explorer tree view to locate specific piping and component items. An item that you select in the Pipeline Explorer also shows as selected in the Detail window. In the example below, the 6x6" elbow selected in the Pipeline Explorer displays in the default red color in the Detail window.

Pipeline Explorer& Detail Window

  • While working in the Pipeline Explorer, you can right-click any item in the Components node and have access to the same commands as you do when you right-click a pipe or component in the Detail window.

  • You can manipulate the Pipeline Explorer so that it is docked, floating, tab-docked, or collapsed. See Customize interface elements.

  • You can narrow or widen the Pipeline Explorer for better viewing. When you place the pointer on the line that divides the Pipeline Explorer window from the Detail window, it becomes a two-sided arrow that you can use to drag the dividing line to the left or right.