Identify Smart 3D sample part class sheets for SRD – Smart 3D integration definition.
Define Data Table Names as per sample part class sheet names.
Define Smart 3D Integration attributes as per sample part class sheet.
Define Data Table Configuration. The Smart 3D Interface is designed in a flexible and powerful way. All the SDB delivered data table configurations are marked as Standard to prevent customers from modifying the delivered data table configs. These configurations are used for export SDB delivered data from SDB. Customers should create and work on customized versions of the SDB configurations. Customers can maintain multiple sets of configurations and choose any one when creating an export job.
Define and assign Retrieval Sources. SDB is provided with custom package procedures as per Smart 3D requirements. same are assigned to Data Table configuration sheet attributes to extract the data.
There are many sheets required by the Smart 3D database to enable the placement of components or the intended automation. The data for these sheets may not be extracted dynamically from the Smart Reference Data commodity code or geometric tables during Smart 3D export jobs. However, data not conventionally maintained or standardized using Smart Reference Data commodity code, geometric, ident, or specification management screens can be maintained in Smart Reference Data as TEMPLATES. These sheets can be extracted during Smart 3D export jobs and loaded in Smart 3D. All the SDB delivered data are marked as Standard to prevent customers from modifying. These are used for export SDB delivered data from SDB. Customers should create and work on customized versions of the SDB delivered templates. Customers can maintain multiple sets of configurations and choose any one when creating an export job.
The Data table mapping is a named set of relations between Sheets and assigned groups/parts/commodity codes/idents. All the SDB delivered data are marked as Standard to prevent customers from modifying. These are used for export SDB delivered data from SDB. Customers should create and work on customized versions of the SDB delivered Data table mappings. Customers can maintain multiple sets of configurations and choose any one when creating an export job.
The Attribute mapping is a named set of relations between Sheet attributes and those values that should appear on distinct parts/commodity codes/idents or Specifications/spec items SDB delivered Smart 3D configuration Attribute mappings are defined based on standards and industry practices. All the SDB delivered data are marked as Standard to prevent customers from modifying. These are used for export SDB delivered data from SDB. Customers should create and work on customized versions of the SDB delivered attribute mappings. Customers can maintain multiple sets of configurations and choose any one when creating an export job.
Transfer Type is a logical grouping of Excel spread sheets to be populated. Currently, there are a few logical groups available in SDB. These transfer types must be used for exporting SDB delivered data. All the SDB delivered transfer types are marked as Standard to prevent customers from modifying the delivered transfer types.
Define SRD Verification sets and reports are used to check the correctness of Smart Reference Data before exporting to Smart 3D
Define General Configurations. Smart Reference Data can store different sets of settings. These settings are project-independent. Copying a configuration, copies all the details such as configuration items and their values. The general config items define different aspects of the Smart 3D interface. User may not be required to create new config items. However, if a config item is missing, it can be added on General Configurations.
Select Specification and Job Goals as per requirement.
After all the specifications have been successfully created, they can be transferred into Smart 3D using transfer Job. Smart 3D Transfer Jobs collects all required data. This includes component data, specification data, general Smart 3D interface data, template data, sheet configurations, and item mappings from the various areas in Smart Reference Data and the Smart 3D interface. Once all the required data is collected via the export function, SRD writes the data into an Excel workbook, which can then be loaded into Smart 3D.
Run Transfer Job and generate Smart 3D Bulkload files along with Symbol DLLs and Symbol View files.
For more details, refer:
'SRD SDB - S3D Interface work process'section in the Standard Database for Intergraph Smart® Reference Data Help.