Intergraph Smart Reference Data Work Process with Standard Database - Intergraph Smart Reference Data - Reference Data - Hexagon

Intergraph SRD SDB Work Processes

Intergraph Smart Reference Data
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Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version

The Hexagon Work Process guide maps the process, power, and marine industries’ basic work processes to Hexagon solutions. This documentation helps your organization transition from previous work practices to using Hexagon tools as the new way of executing projects. It also includes SDB work processes to describe an entire engineering discipline or process at two different levels:

  • Providing a swim lane diagram to define the typical roles and high-level processes involved in a project

  • Showing how Hexagon tools are used to produce required deliverables

All the processes can be executed without using Standard Database (SDB). However, SDB work processes can be customized and enhanced by your organization to create best practices that combine project expertise and software capabilities.

The SDB for Intergraph Smart Reference Data is a pre-configured, recommended best practice solution to enable rapid implementation and management of enterprise reference data and/or materials management in general. To learn more about SDB and how it can help in easy and quick implementation of projects, refer Standard Database for Intergraph Smart Materials and Reference Data Management Summary.

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Version 10.2
Published Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at 6:01 AM