Overview - EcoSys - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

EcoSys Upgrade

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Installation & Upgrade
EcoSys Version

This section describes the high-level steps for upgrading EcoSys.

Validate prerequisites - Ensure that you have met all the prerequisites for upgrading EcoSys in the section Prerequisites and Checklist.

Determine database upgrade path - Determine which database scripts to run if any. For more information, see

Determining the Database Upgrade Path

Upgrade the database - Upgrade the EcoSys (ESFM) database instance for Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server. For more information, see Upgrading the Database.

Update EcoSys web application - Update the EcoSys web application on your application server platform.

Upgrading the EcoSys Application on Tomcat

Updating the EcoSys Application on JBoss EAP

Upgrading the EcoSys Application on WebLogic

Updating the EcoSys Application on WebSphere

Update the EcoSys locale files - Update the EcoSys files. For more information, see Updating the locale files.

(Optional) Update the EcoSys SAP adapter - Update the EcoSys SAP adapter on your application server platform.

Upgrading the EcoSys Application on Tomcat

Updating the EcoSys Application on JBoss EAP

Upgrading the EcoSys Application on WebLogic

Updating the EcoSys Application on WebSphere

Update command line batch library files - Update the library files used by EcoSys command line batch jobs. For more information, see Updating the Command Line Batch Job JAR Files.

Validate the EcoSys upgrade - Ensure that the EcoSys upgrade and that all the features are functioning properly.