Modify Member Generic Assembly Connection Ribbon - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Structural Detailing

Intergraph Smart 3D
Structural Detailing
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Smart 3D Version

Displays the options that you use to modify an existing assembly connection between a built-up member part and intersecting face ports.


Activates the Assembly Connection Properties Dialog (Members), which you use to view and modify the properties of the assembly connection.

StrDtl_BTN_SupportedMember Supported Member

Displays the built-up member for which to create the assembly connection. The supported member cannot be modified.

StrDtl_BTN_SupportingPorts Supporting (Bounding) Geometry

Specifies a bounding port that intersects the end of the supported member to bound. If necessary, select additional bounding ports to which to create assembly and physical connections. Only those bounding ports that intersect the selected bounded end of the supported member are available for you to select.


Places the assembly connection.


Clears the current selection.


Accepts the current selection. After you accept the supporting member and bounding geometry, the Properties button becomes active, and the Assembly Connection list is populated with the available connection types.

Assembly Connection

Specifies an assembly connection type from the list.

Rule Based

Enables or disables the Assembly Connection list. Select to disable the Assembly Connection list.