Flush Frame Connections - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

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The Flush node (the Flush sheet in the StructFrameConnections.xls workbook) defines the flush frame connections that are available. A flush frame connection uses the supporting member system's top and bottom extent to position the supported member. The supported member system typically lies within the body of the supporting member.


Defines the name of the frame connection. This is the name that appears in the software when placing a member system in the model.


Specifies the flush frame connection definition macro.


Select the side of the supporting member on which you want to place the supported member.


Specify the distance to place the supported member from the supporting member. For seated and flush frame connections, the offset is between the side of the supporting member that you specified with the Side option and the supported member's side that you specify with the Edge option. For centerline frame connections, the offset is between centerline of the supporting member and the supported member's side that you specify with the Edge option.


Specifies the side of the supported member's cross-section that is mated to the supporting member. You can specify Top, Right, Bottom, or Left. Edges of typical section shapes are shown in the figure.


Specifies that Smart 3D reflects or mirrors the cross-section of the supported member about a plane perpendicular to the supporting member side. For example, when you place a supported member with an angle cross-section using the left edge option and you want the angle facing the other direction