Change model material display styles - Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher - Help

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You can use Apply material in the Common options translation settings to change the color, texture, and other material properties of various object types (pipes, structures, equipment, and so on) with a palette (.pal) file. The material definition in a palette file consists of all display properties: colors and patterns, diffuse and specular reflectance, finish, ambient reflectance, transmittance, refraction, and bump maps.

The Apply material setting in Smart Interop Publisher allows you to generate colorful model presentations and create templates to standardize how each discipline object displays in multiple models. Although you can also use palette files generated from your source file authoring application, you must edit the file to conform to a format structure required by Smart Interop Publisher. This content consists of each object type defined by the Smart Interop Publisher schema Class ID and its defined material properties.

  • This option does not apply to source files that do not have properties such as IGES, IGS, and ACIS.

  • This option does not support PDS Legacy (.dgn + .drv) source files in a Generic mapping workflow.

The steps below show how to use Smart Interop Publisher and Smart Review (with the Photo-Realism module) to edit and assign materials to objects in the translated Smart Models.

  1. Review the available sample palette files provided with Smart Interop Publisher in the installation folder. We recommend that you make a copy of the file and place it in the same folder location as the translated Smart Model files.

  2. Create a project in Smart Interop Publisher and gather your source files.

  3. Open the Translation Settings Command, and then click Apply materials in the Common options section and select the palette (.pal) file to use. Define any other required options for your specific source file.

    You cannot use the .pal files delivered with Smart Review. The .pal file must contain the schema Class ID that defines each object type, which is provided in the Smart Interop Publisher sample .pal files.

  4. Translate your source files with Smart Interop Publisher. See Translate to Smart Models.

  5. Select the resulting Smart Model in the Smart Models Grid, and then click the Open in Smart Review Command .

  6. Use Smart Review Edit Materials to modify material definitions. The software stores these edits in the selected palette file.

  7. To see your material changes, close the Smart Model in Smart Review and Update Smart Models the Smart Model in Smart Interop Publisher. Re-open the Smart Model in Smart Review.

You can apply the same palette file to other source files that you are translating in Smart Interop Publisher.