Export Settings Dialog (IFC) - Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher - Help

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Intergraph Smart Interop Publisher
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Right-click Settings > Export.
IOP Home menu > Options > Settings > Export

Smart Interop Publisher exports the graphical data in millimeters.

You must have a Smart Interop Publisher translation license (SRP) and an IFC license for Export Settings to take effect, or, for MCAD file translation, you must have an MCD license and an IFC license.

Geometry Representation

Export geometries as BREPs

Converts all the input geometry into a faceted boundary representation (BREP). BREPs in a model are composed of two parts: topology and geometry (surfaces, curves, and points). This option is enabled by default. When selected, the software tessellates the input geometry into triangles, which are then converted into the faceted BREPs. If you clear the option, Smart Interop Publisher creates geometry as solids such as IFCExtrudedAreaSolid and IFCRevolvedAreaSolid wherever applicable. Although several .ifc viewers do not fully support the display of solids, most viewers support the display of faceted BREPs (IFCFacetedBREPs). Select this option to provide optimal viewing results.

Because this option affects the smoothness of the graphics display, you can define the Tessellation Tolerance.

Tessellation Tolerance

Controls the smoothness of graphics that are created as faceted BREPs. The higher the setting, the smoother the graphic edges show when displayed. The file size also increases. The maximum value is 30; the minimum is 10.

IFC Schema

Specifies to use either the IFC2X3 or IFC4 schema for the export. IFC2X3 is the defaulting setting. An export to IFC4 results in better geometry representation and improved mapping to IFC entities.

See Also

Translate and export to a foreign format