Perform synchronize tasks at the Satellite location - Intergraph Smart 3D - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Project Management

Intergraph Smart 3D
Project Management
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Administration & Configuration
Smart 3D Version

After the required tasks are completed at the Host location, perform the following tasks at each Satellite location participating in the GWC.

  1. After replication has propagated changes from the Host to the Satellite, run the View Generator against the catalog at the Satellite location. The View Generator executable, ViewGenerator.exe, is delivered in the [Product Folder]\Core\Tools\Administrator\Bin folder. You must select the Catalog as the data database and the Catalog schema as the schema database to run this utility.

  2. Select the Satellite model in the Project Management tree.

  3. Click the Tools > Synchronize Model with Catalog Command to open the Synchronize Model with Catalog Dialog.

  4. Ensure that Update out-of-date and Regenerate views are selected, and click OK.

    The software updates the table content and the views on the model. Any objects that are owned by the Satellite are flagged or updated. If a To Do List record is necessary, one is created.

  5. Click the Edit > Regenerate Reports Database Command.

    The software updates the views at the respective Satellite only.

  • Mark out-of-date instructs the software to scan the model database and mark all objects that are out-of-date with the catalog. In Workshare configurations, this option is disabled when the selected model belongs to a Satellite.

  • Update out-of-date instructs the software to update all objects that have been marked as out-of-date in the model database. In Workshare configurations, this option is available for both Host and Satellite locations.