Configure Share Service Dialog - Intergraph Smart 3D - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Project Management

Intergraph Smart 3D
Project Management
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Administration & Configuration
Smart 3D Version

Settings Group

Allows you to create one or more settings to control the Intergraph Smart 3D Share Service to meet a variety of update requirements. For example, you can create a settings group that accesses one model while another settings group accesses a different one on the Smart 3D site database. When you save each Settings Group, the service runs all the defined groups.

Database Type

Specifies the type of database, either Oracle or MSSQL.

Site Database Server Name (MSSQL)

Specifies the name of the server on which your Smart 3D site database resides.. This option displays only if you select MSSQL in the Database type list.

Oracle service (Oracle)

Specifies the name of the Oracle net service for the site connection. This option displays only if you select Oracle in the Database type list.

Site Database Name

Specifies the name for the configured Smart 3D site database to access.

Model Name

Specifies the name of the model that contains the 3D objects making up your model. This is the model name that displays in Project Management.

Instrumentation Key

Specifies the Microsoft Application Insights instance to log messages and metrics for the Intergraph Smart 3D Integration Service. Copy and paste the key from the Application Insights resource Overview page through your Azure Portal. This option is not available if Verbosity is set to Off for Application Insights.

Log File Location

Specifies the location in which the service generates a log file. The generated log file name is [Date]_Intergraph-Smart3DShareService_[Model name].log. The log file contains error information and uses the severity level defined using the ErrorLogEnable.exe tool. The default setting is 1, which means that only critical errors are logged. This option is not available if Verbosity is set to Off for Local Log File.

Verbosity (Application Insights and Local Log File)

Specifies the level of detail and number of messages that can be reported. Define Verbosity for one or both target logging options described below.

  • You can set up Application Insights, a feature of Azure Monitor, to be used by the Share Service to monitor and report system messages. Application Insights provides rich analytics support and monitoring capabilities with minimal impact to client system performance. By default, the verbosity for Application Insights is set to Information to capture the highest level of details about errors and exceptions. To set up an Application Insights instance, see Microsoft Azure Documentation.

You can also set up a Local Log File if you do not want to use Application Insights, or for use as a backup in case of internet, network, or Azure outage issues. The Local Log File default verbosity setting is Error.

Select one of the following logging levels listed from highest or more detailed to lowest. Keep in mind that the more detailed levels for a Local Log File can impact system performance.


Logs messages that track the general flow of the application and can provide long-term value.


Logs messages that highlight an abnormal or unexpected event in the application flow, but do not otherwise cause the application to stop.


Logs messages that highlight an abnormal or unexpected event in the application flow, but do not otherwise cause the application to stop.


Logs messages that describe only unrecoverable application or system crashes, or a failure that requires immediate attention.


Log messages are not generated, processed, or persisted.

Query Interval for Objects

Specifies the number of minutes the service waits before it checks the database for any added or modified objects.