Solution enhancements - HxGN EAM - 12.0 - Release Bulletin - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Release Notes for 2022

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Release Bulletin
HxGN EAM Version

The following is a list of enhancements that are included with this release of HxGN EAM:


Product Enhancement Requests


Inbox Setup | Users - The User ID lookup on this tab, will only show users marked as either HxGN EAM, Requestor or has a Digital Work App value filled in. This is because Inboxes are supported for these 3 users only. The same is the case on the User Setup | Inboxes tab - The Inbox Code lookup will only show values if the user is either of the 3 users mentioned above.


GL Accounting Setup - an 'Accounted' field was added to the new GL Accounting Setup screen. Similar to the Accounted field available on the existing View GL Values screen and various Account Detail tabs in the system; a value of either Debit or Credit is required for this field when the ACCOUNT install parameter is set to 'YES' and a value of "*" is defaulted for this field for new records when ACCOUNT = 'NO'.


Transit - Installation Parameters to give greater security with what a user can and cannot do within the application:
Parameter: MOBCCPST
Description: Set to NO to prevent Copy and Paste with EAM mobile applications. Set to YES to allow Copy and Paste within EAM mobile applications.
Parameter: MOBSHARE
Description: Set to NO to prevent sharing and printing from within the EAM Mobile applications. Set to YES to allow sharing and printing from within EAM mobile applications.
Parameter: MOBRQPAS
Description: Set to YES to require a password upon returning, if the user leaves the EAM mobile application. Set to NO to not require a password when returning to the application.
Parameter: MOBSCNCP
Description: Set to NO to prevent screen capturing from within EAM mobile applications. Set to YES to enable screen capturing within EAM mobile applications.


Multiple Screens - Functionality to upload images in place of using URL paths to associate images throughout the system. A field called 'Image' gives the user the ability to choose existing uploaded images or upload new images through a Button/Action Link. An Install Parameter has been included as well called USEIMAGE and when enabled will make the Image field and upload options the only choice, hiding URL path fields.


User Groups - Users can now create a Mobile Requestor user group by copying a 'Requestor' user group with digital work app value of either 'NULL' or 'Mobile Requestor'. The Digital Work Menus tab has this functionality as well.


Multiple Screens - the optional Account Segment Value field was added to several screens; including the Categories, Classes, Crews and Tools screens.


Configuration Manager Export/Import - Pagelayout for Digital Work is included in the Pagelayout exports when Pagelayout is selected as an export option.


Multiple Screens - Functionality to upload images in place of using URL paths to associate images throughout the system. A field called 'Image' gives the user the ability to choose existing uploaded images or upload new images through a Button/Action Link. An Install Parameter has been included as well called USEIMAGE and when enabled will make the Image field and upload options the only choice, hiding URL path fields.


User Group | Digital Work Menus - The R5REQ user group now comes preloaded with a default menu structure on the Digital Work Menus tab, with the following screens: Work Request, Operator Checklist, Reservation Requests & Part Requisitions. This was added for the ease of copying and creating a new mobile requestor user group.


User defined fields have been added to the Pick Tickets screen:
30 Character
5 Date
5 Number
5 Checkbox
2 Note


Grid Designer | Auto-create WO Pick Tickets - A new, system delivered grid has been created to support the new auto-create WO pick ticket alert. The system delivered Alert is "00020 – Create WO Pick Tickets".

The purpose of this grid is provide a list of work order activities to the WO pick ticket alert process. The system will examine each record in this list and create a pick ticket where necessary.

See the "Alert Management" Brief for more details.


Alerts | Auto-create WO Pick Tickets - Alerts have now been updated to auto-create pick tickets for work order activities for a specified number of days in the future. A new checkbox called "WO Pick Ticket" has been added to the Alerts record view. If this checkbox is selected and the WO Org. grid parameter value is populated, the system will attempt to create a pick ticket for each work order activity in the delivered user defined grid associated to the alert. By default, the Create Through Days grid parameter is set to 14 days, so a pick ticket will be created for work order activities whose Start Date is in the range of <system date + 14 days>.

See the "Alert Management" Brief for more details.


Alerts | Auto-create WO Pick Tickets - A new tab called "WO Pick Ticket Alerts" has been added to the Alerts screen. This new tab is available if the WO Pick Ticket checkbox on the record view is selected and is used to specify the pick ticket and work order activity data that will be used when the alert creates pick tickets.

See the "Alert Management" Brief for more details.


The Databridge Setup screen has a new option to enable Capital Request event generation. This option is delivered as hidden in the Work section of the Databridge Setup screen and operates in association with the @CAPREQ install parameter.


GL Accounting Setup - a new process was added to insert and update account detail on the Account Details tab for various entities in the system based on existing GL Accounting Setup records. NOTE: For GL Accounting Setup records that specify a User Defined Field as the Level 1 Segment Value field (or Level 2 or Level 3 Segment Value field); any values updated from this field for Account Detail segments are truncated at 30 characters.


GL Accounting Setup - a new screen was added to allow a user to define GL Accounting Setup records. GL Accounting Setup include required fields of Segment Entity, Segment, Organization, Level 1 Source Field and Level 1 Segment Value. Optionally, a user may specify additional source field(s) and segment value(s) to be considered for populating account details.


KDRV - The KPI Driver on the Job Setup screen will not process all defined KPIs anymore. Instead, it will only recalculate a KPI if it is not flagged as out of service or if it is used on the Start Center of a user. Note that if used on the Start Center, even out-of-service KPIs will be calculated. Parent KPIs will only be calculated if one or more non-parent KPIs were selected for re-calculation.


This existing installation parameter (GISAUTH) is being added, in this release, to an EAM grid to be consumed by the Mobile Digital Work product that will allow support for SAML authentication in a future release (i.e. SAML support is NOT added for Digital Work for this release).


Transit - When Breadcrumbs are enabled, they will capture signal loss as well. This will be defined by Network Connectivity (Cellular and Wifi) as well as GPS signal when lost. The system will collect GPS coordinates in Breadcrumbs, either the last known location or current location depending on what signal has been lost.


About - Tenant information is included on the About screen within the HxGN EAM application.


The branding of the family of products formally known as Infor EAM has been changed to HxGN EAM.

Important: This rebranding to HxGN EAM also includes font changes in the EAM applications for compliance with Hexagon corporate branding and style.


Reports - When printing with attachments the system will include .doc and .docx files that are attached.


A RESTful web service framework has been designed and developed to support RESTful JSON web service requests for EAM.


Previously with ROLESECU set to ON, the system would remain using the User Group of the User to decide the list of Global Group Dataspies. This was due to caching of the Dataspy list once a screen gets accessed. This problem has been resolved in this release, and now role changes will refresh the Dataspy list based on the User Group of the currently selected Role.


Material Lists - Introduced a new Install Parameter (CMRVCTRL) that controls how comments will be copied to the new revision. If set to P (preserve), the system will copy the comment and preserve both the date and user that created and modified the comment. Otherwise, the system will only copy the text and set the date created equal to the system date and the created by equal to the user creating the new revision.
This option is also active on other screens where revision control is active, like PM Schedules, Task Plans, Routes, Hazards, Precautions, RCM Templates, Customer Contracts, etc.


Case Management - Added three new sections to the record view with new fields to support a root cause analysis better. The new Root Cause Analysis Details section includes fields like downtime cost and hours, problem description, and the five whys. The Root Cause Work Order Details section holds the work order closing codes and related fields like failure mode, symptom, tactical cause, etc. These fields are copied from the selected work order and may be changed on this screen. Note that currently, there is no feature to update the work order data from here. And lastly, we also added a new Reliability section where the system will display reliability data based on the reliability calculations for the selected equipment, like MTBF, Weibull, and Crow-AMSAA.


Investment Planning - Added a new button called Calculate Condition Score to start the condition score calculation process. Use this button after Constraint Optimizer has calculated planning results, and these results are available on the Planning Results tab, and the Planning Status is completed. The system will request the condition score calculation process when you click this new button. This process may run immediately depending on the number of planning periods and equipment. Otherwise, it will run delayed in the background, which means the Investment Planning Condition Score Calculation job (INVPLECS) must be active. Activation can be done on the Job Setup screen.

For more information, please see the EAM Investment Planning brief.


Investment Planning | Equipment Condition - This new tab shows the expected future equipment condition based on normal decay and any applied investment option for each planning period of the investment plan. The tab shows data like planning period, period start and end date, condition score, index, and rating at the beginning and end of each period.

For more information, please see the EAM Investment Planning brief.

Call Center

Root Cause Analysis - New pre-delivered clone from Case Management. Screen Designer was used to making this clone RCA focused. And the Screen Setup is set such that this clone only filters out cases of the new case type Root Cause Analysis. Feel free to apply your changes to this pre-delivered configuration.


In an integrated environment when the external application is the system of record for inventory and direct materials will be sourced from stock, when a requisition line is referenced in the Shipment BOD (ShipmentItem(ShipmentItem/DocumentReference[@type="Requisition"])), EAM will update the received quantity on requisition line and disable the requisition line if the overall received quantity is equal to or greater than the requested quantity.


A new install parameter @SEQALL has been created to determine which of the two sequential processing classes should be used. When @SEQALL=Y, the new InboxBusMessageSequentialConnector2 is used (for INFOR-ONRAMP, INFOR-IMS,etc.); otherwise the old InboxBusMessageSequentialConnector is used (for INFOR-ONRAMP only). If the employed BOD sequentiality involves partners other than INFOR-ONRAMP, you must set @SEQALL to Y and use the new processing class.


For the integration only where the external system is managing purchasing and "Need Date" planning.

The EAM MaintenanceOrder BOD will include the Direct Material Purchase Orders / PO Lines from the Purchasing tab and the external system Requisition/Requisition Lines from the cross reference table. The external system will use the MaintenanceOrder BOD data to look-up the Inventory Demand or PO line by Requisition/Req Line and sync the "Need Date". This will be controlled via a parameter to minimize performance issues.


Equipment Overview 360 - Added a new widget that will display a Heat Map.

For more information, please see the EAM Equipment Overview 360 brief.


Equipment (A/P/S/L) | RCM | Add/Edit Failure Modes - Introduced some new hidden features on the Failure Modes popup. These features can be activated with the organization option RCMPREFS and include a more structured way to create the failure mode description and allow entry of an effect indicator and consequence.

For more information, please see the EAM RCM brief.


EMRS Codes have been updated to include January 2022 from the Vehicle Maintenance and Reporting Standards group.


Equipment Overview 360 - Added the ability to use grids as an alternative to queries. This includes user-defined grids (List Views and Tabs) and several pre-delivered grids used on the equipment screens. Once a grid is selected, you also need to provide a Dataspy.

For more information, please see the EAM Equipment Overview 360 brief.


Equipment Overview 360 - Added several new widgets.
- Equipment Summary - Shows a list of equipment and controls Equipment selection.
- Nonconformities - Shows a list of nonconformities based on the selected Dataspy.
- Equipment Health - Shows equipment condition and the related decay curve.

For more information, please see the EAM Equipment Overview 360 brief.


Workspace Moves - WMWARN Install Parameter provides the ability when set to 'YES', to prevent the Associations tab refresh from occurring when a status is changed from an open or approved system status to an open or approved system status.


The Physical Inventory screen has been changed to allow each unique, by asset part to be counted based on its asset code. Each asset, for a given part, will now have a separate stocktake line on the Parts tab for Physical Inventory screen.

A new Subline field has been added to the stocktake line. For non-by asset parts Subline will be set to "0". For by asset part lines Subline will start with "1" and be incremented by "1" for each unique asset associated to that stock record. Subline will distinguish between all the unique assets for a given part since the Line value will be same for of these assets.

The user performing the physical inventory will have a choice of several "Actions" available to them to disposition each asset line if a discrepancy exists.

There are Actions, and resulting popups, associated to the following scenarios. The new Action field in the grid will be populated with the selected Action text:
1. Action = Issue Asset: Physical Inventory says the asset is 'in store', but it is actually 'installed'. Ability to issue to an equipment and attach to a parent in the hierarchy is provided. An 'issue' transaction will be performed at approval time.
2. Action = Withdraw Asset: Physical Inventory says the asset is in store, but it is NOT 'in store' or 'installed'. The asset will be 'withdrawn' at approval time.
3. Action = Transfer Asset Between Bins: Physical Inventory says the asset is in one bin, but it is actually in another bin. A 'bin transfer' transaction will be performed at approval time.
4. Action = Return Asset: Physical Inventory says the asset is NOT 'in store' (i.e. Expected Qty. = 0), but it is found in the store. Ability to return from an equipment is provided. An 'return' transaction will be performed at approval time.

Three (3) additional Actions are available on the Parts tab for Physical Inventory: 1) Clear Action Details - Clears the associated Action. 2) Update Action Details - Allows the user to update details of the current Action 3) View Action Details - Opens the associated Action details popup in view only mode. This Action will be available for display when the Physical Inventory is Approved, except for the Note field which is NOT available in the transactions table.

Note that discrepancies for by asset parts will no longer be identified by a difference between Expected Qty. and Physical Qty. If the asset identified on the stocktake line is not in store, the appropriate Action will be assigned to that line by the user. Therefore, the presence of an Action on the by asset part line identifies the line as having a discrepancy i.e. Physical Qty. is no longer used to document a discrepancy for by asset part lines. Also, if the equipment (or asset id) IS in store as described by the stocktake line, the counter will identify this as a non-discrepancy by placing a "1" in the Physical Qty. field to match Expected Qty. Whenever one of these reports is asked to display discrepancies or non-discrepancies, then this method of identifying those discrepancies will be used. If a by asset part line has Physical Qty. = <null> AND Action = <null>, then this stocktake record has NOT been counted yet (i.e. same scenario as Physical Qty. = <null> in previous releases).

IMPORTANT: Any Physical Inventory records that were created in a previous version then upgraded to v11.7.1. will NOT have these capabilities described. These phyical inventories will need to either completed as in previous versions or canceled and a new physical inventory created in v11.7.1.

The Print Physical Inventory List Report and the Print Physical Inventory Discrepancies Report have been updated to account for these changes. These changes only apply to Physical Inventories created in v11.7.1 (i.e. they do NOT apply to those created prior to v11.7.1 and upgraded). Each asset line will show the equipment (or asset id) along with any Action that has been assigned during the count.


GIS Map Search | Search - Add equipment field "Operational Status" to Equipment Dataspy filter fields.


GIS (ESRI) - Add support for the latest ESRI version of their GIS products, v10.9.1.

Note: The latest supported version of ArcMap is v10.8.2.

Import Utility

A new Batch Requests checkbox has been added to the Import Utility screen. If the Batch Requests checkbox is not selected, batch execution will be disabled. This is relevant for an individual worksheet in the excel file. If unchecked, the records in the worksheet will be processed sequentially as they are listed in the worksheet.


The Part LOV on the Packages screen has been revised to be a standard LOV and a new Select Parts option has been added to the Actions menu. If the user clicks the Select Parts link and the Parts tab is in insert mode with a Package header System Status of Unfinished (U), the system will open the Select Parts Pop-up.


In an integrated environment, the external system may be designated as the system of record for inventory and control the sourcing of inventory beyond user designation within EAM. In this scenario, items defined in EAM on a requisition (requisition header Type = RECV) as Direct Materials may be sourced from stock. These requisition lines to be sourced from stock would be fulfilled by Issue to WO transactions imported to EAM; there would not be an associated purchase order or a receipt transaction.

The system will additionally update the active flag on the requisition line to unselected when the Received Qty. >= Requested Qty. or the line is cancelled or rejected. Note, because the external system is the system of record for inventory, Issue to WO transactions with a Requisition reference will be supported for inactive requisition lines.


Issue/Return Parts - Improved the Asset ID lookup. It now has additional fields, and an Organization Option (RTNFRPRT) was added that controls the list of assets when a return is performed. Depending on the option's setting, the whole list of assets is displayed, or the lookup only shows the assets that are a child or grandchild, etc. We also improved the Attach To lookup and added the Structure tab, making it easier to find where to install the issued asset.

This enhancement was also applied to the Parts tab of the Work Orders screen.


CU Estimates | Compatible Units - two new protected fields were added to show the associated work order and activity for each record on this tab.


CU Estimates | Generate WO Activities - the Generate WO Activities process was enhanced in several ways. First, the process was updated to display a warning prior to overwriting work order activities generated from a CU estimate. Any existing work order activities on a CU Design WO or CU Design Child WO that were *NOT* generated from a CU estimate are no longer deleted when work order activities are generated. Second, the option to group work order activities by work point was added as an alternative to grouping these according to Activity Type. With this, the desired method of grouping work order activities is specified by means of a new Org. option, 'CUESWOAG'. Finally, the process was also enhanced to display the related work order and activity for each record on the CU Estimate | Compatible Units tab.


CU Estimates - the list of values displayed for the CU Design WO field lookup was updated to exclude work orders that are already associated to a CU estimate.


Compatible Units Library | Parts - the 'CU Standard Price' field on this tab has been updated to display as 'CU Price'. For consistency, a similar change was also made to the Trades, Services and Tools tabs of the Compatible Units Library screen, where 'CU Standard Rate' has been updated as 'CU Rate'. The 'CU Price' field on the Parts tab has been further updated to default CU Price from Base Price for a selected part if available, when CU Standard Price for the part has not been specified.


Work Orders | Documents List - the Documents List tab was updated to also display all documents of CU Estimates which reference the selected work order (as a CU Design WO; or as a CU Design Child WO).


The Physical Inventory screen has been changed to allow each unique, by asset part to be counted based on its asset code. Each asset, for a given part, will now have a separate stocktake line on the Parts tab for Physical Inventory screen. The user performing the physical inventory will have a choice of several "Actions" available to them to disposition each asset.

The Print Physical Inventory List Report and the Print Physical Inventory Discrepancies Report have been updated to account for these changes. These changes only apply to Physical Inventories created in v11.7.1 (i.e. they do NOT apply to those created prior to v11.7.1 and upgraded). Each asset line will show the equipment (or asset id) along with any Action that has been assigned during the count.

Note that discrepancies for by asset parts will no longer be identified by a difference between Expected Qty. and Physical Qty. If the asset identified on the stocktake line is not in store, the appropriate Action will be assigned to that line by the user. Therefore, the presence of an Action on the by asset part line identifies the line as having a discrepancy i.e. Physical Qty. is no longer used to document a discrepancy for by asset part lines. Also, if the equipment (or asset id) IS in store as described by the stocktake line, the counter will identify this as a non-discrepancy by placing a "1" in the Physical Qty. field to match Expected Qty. Whenever one of these reports is asked to display discrepancies or non-discrepancies, then this method of identifying those discrepancies will be used. If a by asset part line has Physical Qty. = <null> AND Action = <null>, then this stocktake record has NOT been counted yet (i.e. same scenario as Physical Qty. = <null> in previous releases).


Investment Planning | Condition Rating Chart - Added a new chart tab that will show a histogram of the condition rating at a particular moment in the future compared with the rating at the beginning of the planning period. You can show values for all equipment, or you can filter by Class and Category. The default reports values for the last planning period of the investment plan, but you can pick any planning period in between to see intermediate results.


Reports - Additional support for Word documents printing as attachments can be performed, this includes both .doc and .docx file types.


Reports - 10 additional user defined text fields have been added to all Equipment and Work Order reports where UDFs are printed.


Print Work Order - Comprehensive - Updated the checklist component of the report so that it now correctly prints checklist items of type Date, Date/Time, Free Text, and the new Entity.

Web Services

The Materials Lists Parts tab will be supported by web service prompt functionality.


A new checkbox called "Use Road Distance" has been added to the Optimized Scheduler Setup screen. If selected the Constraint Optimizer will use actual road distance when running its algorithm to dispatch EAM work order activities related to that setup record. Prior to this release, only Euclidean (Straight-line) distance has been used by the Constraint Optimizer. The OpenMaps API is used to determine road distance.

The EAM plug-in written to handle passing work order activities to the Constraint Optimizer and then receiving the resulting dispatching solution has been updated to pass the value of this new checkbox to the Constraint Optimizer.


A new checkbox called "Use Road Distance" has been added to the Optimized Scheduler Setup screen. If selected the Constraint Optimizer will use actual road distance when running its algorithm to dispatch EAM work order activities related to that setup record. Prior to this release, only Euclidean (Straight-line) distance has been used by the Contraint Optimizer. The OpenMaps API is used to determine road distance.


Work Orders | Checklist - To support collecting part numbers and equipment numbers, we added a new Entity checklist type. You can use the lookup or type in the code manually. If you use the lookup, the associated organization will automatically be filled in.


Task Plans | Checklist - To support collecting part numbers and equipment numbers, we added a new Entity checklist type. When you select this checklist type, you must specify the entity for which the data is collected. Additionally, you can determine which classes should be included. This class selection is essential and makes sure the codes list is limited to only relevant codes. If you are collecting which tire is installed on the equipment, you do not want to see motors in the list, for example.


Work Orders | Book Labor - Added a new Organization Option (WOCSTMEC) that determines the default setting for the Equipment field when entering costs for multi equipment work orders. If set to ALL, the system will default the Equipment field to ‘All Equipment’ to distribute the cost over all multi equipment child (MEC) work orders. If set to WO, the system will default the Equipment field to ‘WO Header Equipment’ instead and book all costs on the parent work order.

This new option is active on the following screens:
- Work Orders | Parts
- Work Orders | Tools Usage
- Work Orders | Book Vendor Hours
- Work Orders | Book Labor
- Batch WO Update (labor bookings)
- Book Labor By Employee
- WO Quick Close
- Book PO Labor
- Issue/Return Parts

Note: The SR-Service Request screens are not included in this enhancement. Neither were the requisitioning and purchasing screens.


Work Orders | Activities - a new protected checkbox field was added to the Activities tab of the Work Orders screen to indicate if an activity was generated from a CU estimate.


Work Orders | Compatible Units - a new tab was added to allow a user to view a list of all compatible units associated to a CU Estimate for which the selected work order is specified as either the CU Design WO, or as a CU Design Child WO for a work point of a CU Estimate.


Work Orders | Book Labor - We have added the ability to create a correction for the booked labor record with zero hours. This parent record is created when a booking is recorded against All Equipment, and the work order is a multiple equipment child (MEC) work order. Hours are distributed over the MEC child work orders, and the parent record is then left with zero hours. All related MEC bookings against the children are automatically corrected when entering a correction for this record. The correction is not allowed if one or more related MEC bookings are already corrected individually, which is still an option if you do not want to correct all.


The WO Quick Entry screen has been updated so that a work order with a Standard WO associated can now have new activities created and existing activities updated. The goal behind these changes was to make the WO Quick Entry screen more like the regular Work Order screen in these scenarios.


Multiple Screens - Accommodations made for additional screens to support the extra UDFs added to the Work Order screen:
PM Schedules | Equipment
Equipment | PM Schedules
Optimized Scheduler Setup | WO Activities
WO Daily Scheduling | Daily Scheduling