Place a volume using grid and elevation planes - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

Intergraph Smart 3D Space Management

Intergraph Smart 3D
Space Management
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Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)

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  1. Click Place Volumes by Grids Command on the vertical toolbar to view the Place Volumes by Grids Ribbon.

  2. To associate the points of the volume with points in the model, such as grid intersections, click Enable Assoc Point Creation . To drop the associative points during or after volume placement, click Disable Assoc Point Creation .

  3. Select grid and elevation planes in the Workspace Explorer or in a graphic view, and then click Accept . You must select at least two planes in each direction, and all of the input planes must be from the same coordinate system.

  4. Type a name for the volume in the Name box.

  5. Select a volume type from the Type list. The list in the Type box provides only the last few types selected from the catalog. Choosing More opens the Select System Dialog, which allows you to select any type of space found in the catalog database.

  6. Select a folder from the Space folder list. Assigning volumes to a space folder organizes volumes. You can create additional folders with the Create Space Folder Command.

  7. Click Finish.

You can continue creating volumes using Place Volumes by Grids Command , even overlapping pre-existing volumes created with this command. It is not possible to "use up" the grid.