What's New in Piping Reference Data - Intergraph Smart 3D - Release Notes/Bulletin

Intergraph Smart 3D Release Notes

Intergraph Smart 3D
Release Notes
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Release Notes/Bulletin
Smart 3D Version
12 (2018)

Pretty URL Book with LinkYou can link directly to this document using https://docs.hexagonppm.com/go/S3D12PipingRefData

The following changes have been made to the Piping reference data.

Hot Fixes and Service Packs Updates

  • Clarified the cap screw length calculation that the software performs when the Preferred Cap Screw Length rule is used. For more information, see Preferred Cap Screw Length. (P3 CP:349843)

  • The Select lists (Codelists) delivered with the software (AllCodeLists.xls) might be different than the codelists provided on the customer support web site. The most recent codelists available on the customer support web site should be used for the most current functionality. All select list documentation has been removed from this document.

  • Clarified the cap screw length calculation that the software performs when the Preferred Cap Screw Length rule is used. For more information, see Preferred Cap Screw Length. (P3 CP:349843)