Catalog Hierarchy - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

Intergraph Smart 3D Catalog

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Smart 3D Version
12 (2018)

The Catalog environment consists of a left window (tree view) that displays a hierarchy of classification folders. The right window (content view) displays details about the items or contents within the folder. You can also use the content view to add and edit reference data. See the Editable Grid.

Tree View

In the left window, a tree view allows you to move through all the classifications stored in your Catalog database. This tree view contains several folders; at the top of the hierarchy is the root, or the Catalog database, for which you are viewing information. The catalog root is the highest allowable level in the hierarchy. The tree view is most useful for displaying relationships between the reference data.

Beneath the catalog, or reference database, root are standard discipline-specific folders, such as Structure, Equipment, and Piping. These folders are called hierarchy folders and work similarly to folders in Windows Explorer. Within each of these areas, a user (with the appropriate access permission) can create his or her own classification hierarchy for management of information.

A hierarchy folder does not contain any specific items, such as pieces of equipment. Instead, a hierarchy folder merely provides additional organization and categorization of the items within the discipline. Within the hierarchy folders are classification folders. In the following example, the Structure > Objects folder contains classification folders such as Footings, Handrails, and Ladders.

  • Most of the available roots are listed on the CatalogRoot sheet in the AllCommon.xls workbook. Some, such as Conduit, Reports, and Shapes, are listed in their individual workbooks.

  • When selecting nodes in the Catalog hierarchy, the software displays only the immediate children of the selected folder, so objects located further down the Catalog hierarchy will not appear in the list view until their direct parent is selected.

Content View

Part classes exist within classification folders and contain objects from the Catalog database, such as pieces of equipment, piping components, features, cross sections, parts, and rules. Part classes are the lowest-level classification folders in the tree. Any properties associated with a class are associated with all objects in that class. Using commands on the View menu, you can toggle the content view between a standard list view and a standard grid view. The list view is always read-only; the grid view is editable. A third view option is available specifically for reviewing branch table data, reinforcing weld data, and reinforcing pad data in human specification format.

When you select a part class in the tree view, or left window, the objects contained within that class appear in the content view, or right window. Along with the name of the objects, this window also displays specifications about each object. The actual information that appears varies by class.

In the following illustration, Mechanical is a hierarchy folder. The item Pumps is a classification folder, and Horizontal Centrifugal Pump is a part class. The items listed in the content view (right window) are the items that are defined in the reference data for the Horizontal Centrifugal Pump part class.

Navigating through the Catalog hierarchy is similar to navigating through Windows Explorer. You can use the mouse to open and close nodes in the Catalog hierarchy - clicking the icon expands the node; clicking the button collapses the node. You can also expand or close nodes by double-clicking on the node name. Additionally, you can use the navigational commands on the horizontal toolbar to move backward and forward through the items, or to move up to a higher order in the hierarchy.

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