Owner12 and Owner21 - HxGN SDx - Update 56 - Reference

HxGN SDx Schema Overview

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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

These two properties are used to define the object at one end of the relationship as the owner of the relationship such that when these relationships are created or deleted, the owner of the relationship is considered to be updated just as if some of its properties have been changed.

These properties are set if the relationship is considered part of the definition of the main object.

When these relationships are created or deleted, the last updated date is updated on the object that is marked as the owner of the relationship.

If an object designated as an “owned item” is claimed from a higher configuration to a lower configuration (for example, from a plant to its project), the Owner object is checked to ensure it can navigate or expand to all its owned items. If the Owner object is unable to navigate or expand all its owned items, the Claim request is denied.

Relationship access control: When a relationship has an owner, it is not usual to be able to create the relationship by dropping the owning object on the related object. Dropping the owned object on the owner is more usual.