Main rest web services (corresponding to EAM record view) - HxGN EAM - 12.0 - Customization & Programming - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Rest Web Services

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The image below is a sample main EAM rest web services URL and corresponding rest web service actions.

  • 1 is a POST action.

  • 2 is a PUT action.

  • 3 is a Get action, it returns a collection of data records. We will call this Get Collection in this guide.

  • 4 is a standard GET action in Open API.

  • 5 is the DELETE action.

  • 6 is the PATCH action.

In 4, 5 and 6, there is a {id} parameter. {id} should be the unique id to identify the entity/screen. Normally it will be entity code plus organization code separated by # symbol. In top section of every EAM Rest Web service API document (also called Swagger API) , a sample {id} will provided.