Navigate to the folder: <installed path>\Web\API\webConfig.
In connectionStrings, Data Source should be pointed to the required database alias (TNS) for connection strings; 'SmatSiteDataContext'.
Update the service baseUri (https://{{hostname}}/{{applicationname}}/) value generated by the config tool.
To enable and access the Open API client (Smart API Explorer), you must register a Smart Client (specifying the implicit flow) with SAM. And, then add the Post-Login URI (http(s)://{{hostname}}/{{applicationname}}/SMAT/V1>/doc/explorer/oauth2-redirect.html) in the Smart Client. Also, update this client id in the web config file in the documentation node.
If the Oracle client version is above 18.3, then uncomment the following assemblies in assemblyBinding tag and replace the newVersion value with the actual assembly version.
To check the version number of these assemblies, navigate to the following paths: