Create New Systems - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Systems and Specifications

Intergraph Smart 3D
Systems and Specifications
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Smart 3D Version

The highest-level icon displayed in the hierarchy is the Model (your plant or ship). You can create systems of different types under the Model itself, as well as under other systems. The software does not apply any rules concerning system types that you can create within a given system, except for Pipeline systems. No type of system may be created under a pipeline system.

You use the New <SystemType> System commands to create a new system of a specified type. Each system has at least the following five properties:

  • Name

  • Name Rule

  • Type

  • Parent System

  • Allowed Specifications

The software provides defaults for all properties of the systems that you create, including the name. The system name that the software automatically generates is determined by the name rule last assigned to that type system during the current session. If the default name rule is in effect, then the software generates the system name with the following format: <System Type> - <Location> - <Counter>, where <Counter> is the number of the new <type> system created in the current session. For example, ConduitSystem-1-0002 indicates that this is the second conduit system created in the current session.

The name generator service supplies unique names to items placed in the Model database. The value entered in the Name rule ID text box during Site database generation (through the Database Wizard) functions as a substring (an internal ID number) that represents the location at which an item is placed into the model.

After you create a system, you can edit any of its properties except the system type. After the system type is assigned, it cannot be changed. You can edit an existing system by clicking Properties on the horizontal toolbar, by selecting Edit > Properties, or by editing the system property fields on the System Content tab in the content view (right window pane).

In addition to manually creating systems, when working in an integrated environment, you can retrieve a Plant Breakdown Structure (PBS) document. The software automatically creates the systems that are defined in the retrieved PBS and assigns standard properties for the respective object types. For more information about retrieving data in an integrated environment, see Common Help.

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