Equipment Location in WBS Project - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

Intergraph Smart 3D Reports

Intergraph Smart 3D
Drawings and Reports
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Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)

Equipment vessels are listed with control point location and corresponding drawing number.

[Reference Data Folder]\SharedContent\Reports\Types of Reports\Equipment\Location in WBS Project\Vessel Location in WBS Project.rtp

Plant Name  #Plant::Name#

User  #FormattingField::{UserName}#

Filter Name  #Vessel Location and Drawing::{FilterName}#

Filter Location  #Vessel Location and Drawing::{FilterLocation}#

Filter Description  #Vessel Location and Drawing::{FilterDescription}#

Date  #FormattingField::{DateTime}#

Equipment  #Vessel Location and Drawing::Equipment#

Project  #Vessel Location and Drawing::Project#

Control Point Location

E / W  #Vessel Location and Drawing::[outEquipment Vessel Occurrence Location X (East)]#

N / S  #Vessel Location and Drawing::[outEquipment Vessel Occurrence Location Y (North)]#

Elevation  #Vessel Location and Drawing::[outEquipment Vessel Occurrence Location Z (Up)]#

Coordinate Identification

Name #Vessel Location and Drawing::ControlPoint#
Type #Vessel Location and Drawing::Type#