Make a Smart 3D backup - Intergraph Smart 3D - Administration & Configuration

Intergraph Smart 3D Global Workshare (Oracle)

Intergraph Smart 3D
Global Workshare
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Administration & Configuration
Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)

After executing the PreBackup<InstanceName>_<SiteDB>_<LocationDB>.bat scripts, make a backup of the Host databases in Project Management. These databases are then transferred and restored on the Satellite servers. Include a copy of the SharedContent folder along with any additional supporting data (Reference 3D files, DGN, DWG referenced files, and so on) on the backup.

  1. Open Project Management, and make a backup of the model.

  2. Save the files to a location where they can be retrieved.

  3. Transfer the backup files, and a copy of the SharedContent folder, to each of the Satellites being configured.

  • Because the database backup file set is highly compressible, we recommend that you compress the dataset to improve transfer time to the Satellite locations.

  • After completing the backup, users can resume working on the Host while the initial Global Workshare Configuration setup is in progress.