Class and Custom fields - HxGN EAM - 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Web Service Prompts

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

A few notes on class and custom field behavior on prompt screens may be helpful at this point:

Custom fields are dynamically displayed or removed from the prompt screen based on the class value entered. This behavior is like the other standard screens within the system.

Custom fields related to the * class of the DEFORG organization (that is, field is always displayed on the prompt screen) are shown in the main body of the web service (that is, not the Custom Fields container) based on their Sequence.

Custom fields NOT related to the * class of the DEFORG organization (that is, class specific custom fields) are only displayed once the controlling organization, class, and class organization values have been entered. These custom fields will always be dynamically displayed in the Custom Fields container (that is, a Sequence cannot be assigned to these custom fields on the prompt setup screen as they always show in the Custom Fields container).

Class specific custom fields will be displayed when the cursor leaves the class field, wherever it is on the prompt screen. At this point in time, the controlling organization and class organization fields must be populated or the custom fields will not be displayed. Let me say that again but in a different way…when the cursor leaves the class field the system considers the controlling organization as well as the class organization to determine which custom fields if any to display.

SHARED Tip Because controlling organization and class organization need to be populated when the user tabs out of the class field for the system to retrieve and display any class specific custom fields, it is a good idea to assign a lower tab Sequence to both fields than the class field. Another option for populating class organization is to set up a retrieved value (that is, class organization) whose source is the class field and whose destination is the class organization field. If a retrieved value is used you must place class organization after the class field; however, because the system retrieves the class organization when tabbing out of the class field, class specific custom fields can still be successfully displayed.

Class specific custom fields will never be dynamically displayed if the class field is not tabbed through that is, if a fixed value is supplied for class for example.

Class specific custom fields may be removed by the system dynamically if controlling organization or class is updated or cleared.

Remember that custom fields inherit their field type and validated lookups from their custom field definition in the base application. There is no way to override or change these characteristics using the prompt setup screen.

Custom fields will NOT be impacted by Standard WO, Profile, Part Hierarchy, etc. as occurs within some base screens in the system.

If category is selected for a web service related to the object entity the system will check to see if the category is valid for the class and class organization. Class and class organization must both be populated when tabbing out of the category field for this validation to occur. This validation will not be done at save time.