Section View - CloudWorx for Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

CloudWorx for Intergraph Smart 3D Help

CloudWorx for Intergraph Smart 3D
Smart 3D
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Smart 3D Version
12.1 (2019)
Smart Review Version

Defines a plane in 3D along a specified coordinate axis (relative to the view), and then hide the points on one side of that plane, so that a cross-section view of the point cloud results.

  • At most one slice or section view can be active at a time (for example, a section view in the Y-plane cannot co-exist with a section view in the X-plane). Axis is defined in view coordinates.

  • To turn on or off any clipping records, see Clipping Manager.

  • To turn off all clipping records of the active clipping group, see Reset Clipping.

Create a section view

  1. Select CloudWorx > Clip Point Cloud > Section View.

  2. Select the required view. The options available are:

    • X Positive

    • X Negative

    • Y Positive

    • Y Negative

    • Z Positive

    • Z Negative

  3. Input the data point to place the section plane.

    The new section view is applied to clip the points.

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