For the latest information on CADWorx Internet Publisher, visit Hexagon PPM.
For current on-line support information, including knowledge base, technical tips, and downloads, visit Intergraph Smart Support.
You can contact Hexagon PPM Technical Support or Sales:
CADWorx & Analysis Solutions Dealer Support ( or CADWorx & Analysis Solutions General Support (
Sales E-mail:
In order to provide technical support, Hexagon PPM needs to know what version of CADWorx, AutoCAD or BricsCAD, and what Windows you are using. To determine this information, follow the steps outlined for the product you are using:
CADWorx Product |
Steps |
Plant, P&ID, or Structure |
Equipment or PV Fabricator |
Internet Publisher |
Version information is displayed at the CAD command line when you start the software. |
Datasheets |
Click Help > About to display a dialog box that contains the required information. |
In addition to the information above, the table below lists the additional files that are usually required to assist Hexagon PPM in resolving your technical issues:
CADWorx Product |
Additional Files Required by Hexagon PPM Support |
CADWorx Plant (Piping, HVAC) |
Email the CAD model drawing (DWG) files.
CADWorx Plant (component data file creation) |
Email information about the part's dimension from the manufacturer's catalog. |
CADWorx Isogen |
Email the CAD model drawing (DWG) files, any isometrics generated by Isogen, and the Isogen style files.
CADWorx Equipment |
Email the CAD model drawing (DWG) files. |
CADWorx Equipment to PV Elite interface |
Email the CAD model drawing (DWG) file and PV Elite input file (*.pvdb). |
PV Fabricator |
Email the CAD model drawing (DWG) files and PV Elite input file (*.PVI). |
CADWorx P&ID or CADWorx IP |
Email the complete P&ID project, which includes Project.CFG, Database.TBL, Map.TBL, and all the DWG, and MDB files. Usually, all of these files are located in one folder.
CADWorx Structure |
Email the CAD model drawing (DWG) files.
CADWorx Datasheets |
Email the datasheets MDB file and any datasheet file generated (XLS).
CADWorx Plant to CAESAR II interface |
Email the CAD model drawing (DWG) file and CAESAR II input file (*._A, *.C2).
CADWorx Design Review |
Email the CAD model drawing (DWG) files.
CADWorx Design Viewer |
Email the CAD model drawing (DWG) files and the *.CDR file. |
If you are attaching large or multiple files to your Smart Support Service Request, use a compression utility such as WinZIP.
If you cannot attach your drawing files, then try to duplicate the issue in a new drawing with as few components as possible. If the issue can be duplicated in a new drawing, attach the duplicate drawing to Hexagon PPM.
For hardware lock issues, first verify that you have a Hexagon PPM hardware lock. CADWorx Plant Professional, CADWorx P&ID, CADWorx P&ID Professional, CADWorx Structure use the Hexagon PPM hardware lock for licensing. For more information, see Licensing in the CADWorx Installation Users Guide or the CADWorx Structure Installation Guide.