Search operators - 2021 - Help - Hexagon

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You can narrow your search results or get better search results using search operators. Our search engine supports several search operators, including asterisk (*) as a wildcard, quotation marks, and the Boolean search terms AND, NOT, OR, and OPT.

If you want to find topics that

Do this

Include the exact search term

Add quotes to the searched term.

For example, searching for “Flare” finds result Has Flare or Knuckle but not results with flare.

Include any similar terms

Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard in your search term.

For example, searching for fla* finds results with flange, flat, flavor, flag, and flare.

Include multiple terms

Add AND between search terms to search for topics containing all the terms.

For example, searching for flag AND flare finds results that have both flag and flare.

Include any of a list of terms

Add OR between search terms to search for topics with either of the terms.

For example, searching for flag OR flare finds results that have either flag or flare.

Include one term specifically, but might also include another term

Add OPT between search terms to search for topics that contain the first search term and optionally contain the second term.

For example, searching for flag OPT flare finds results that have flag and can have flare.

Exclude specific terms

Add NOT in front of a search term to return only topics that do not contain that search term.

For example, searching for flag NOT flare finds results that have flag but not flare.

  • When you use the search operators AND, OR, NOT, or OPT, be sure to use all capital letters. Otherwise, they are treated as part of the search term.

  • You can use OPT to tell the search engine what results are most relevant to you. For example, flange OPT direction returns topics that contain flange and direction at the top of the results list while including all topics that contain flange in the results.

  • You can use multiple operators in a search. For example, "user access" NOT grant* returns topics that contain the phrase user access, but do not contain the words grant, granted, or granting.

  • After you search, you can narrow your search results even further using the filters on the left side of the portal.