Modify the suppressed point cloud object - CloudWorx for Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

CloudWorx for Intergraph Smart 3D Help

CloudWorx for Intergraph Smart 3D
Smart 3D
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Smart 3D Version
12.1 (2019)
Smart Review Version
  1. Click Select on the vertical toolbar.

  2. Select the suppressed point cloud object to modify.

    You can select the suppressed point cloud objects from the Workspace Explorer.

  3. Using the ribbon bar options, edit the suppressed point cloud object as needed.

    • If you do not want to retain the modifications you made, you can always reverse the changes by clicking on Edit > Undo and updating the object using the CloudWorx > Update Suppressed Point Cloud.

    • If you modify the geometry of the suppressed point cloud objects, the software moves the modified point cloud object to the To-Do list. The software considers these objects as out-of-date point cloud objects. You must update these point cloud objects using the Update option in the To Do List Dialog Box. For more information, refer the To Do List section in Common User's Guide.