Drawings by Query Filters - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Orthographic Drawings

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Filters determine the contents of the documents produced by Drawings by Query components (3D Model By Query, Orthographic, Isogen Isometric, and Drawings by Query Manager). For Orthographic and Isogen Isometric Drawings by Query components, the Setup command specifies a what filter that access the model database and determines which objects are included in the drawings, as well as which hierarchy is traversed to create a tree in the Management Console. The Setup command then defines a Drawings by Query Manager component to specify a where filter that determines the position in the hierarchy and, therefore, the location of the objects included in the drawing.

For example, if you are creating Orthographic drawings that include pipe supports, you create a new Orthographic Drawings by Query component, and then run the Setup command on the component to select a normal filter that returns only pipe support objects. For example, you might choose the Pipe Supports filter as shown below:

After saving your Orthographic Drawings by Query component setup as a package, you then define a Drawings by Query Manager component to determine where in the model to collect the objects you specified in the what filter. When you run the Setup command on the Drawings by Query Manager component, you select a normal filter.

When you run the query, the software compounds the where filter with the what filter to return the needed objects. Each object is documented in a drawing using the template and rules that you setup for the package. The following graphic shows an example drawing using the Pipe Supports filter:

See the Common Help for information on defining filters.

A what filter can specify non-graphical objects, such as various system nodes in the System tab, folders in the Space tab, WBS projects and items in the WBS tab, and Reference 3D Model nodes in the Reference 3D tab of the Workspace Explorer. When you specify non-graphical objects in the what filter, you must also specify a Navigator Rule in the Drawing View Properties dialog.

SHARED Tip You can use the SystemRangeNavigator.dll Navigator Rule to include all graphical objects under a non-graphical object. See the Navigator Rules section in Orthographic Drawings by Query for information on navigation rules.

See Also

Orthographic Drawings by Query Common Tasks