View Naming Rules in Drawings by Rule - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart 3D Orthographic Drawings

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The software provides several options for naming the views in drawing by rule documents. See Smart 3D Reference Data for information on creating view naming rules.

The following view naming rules are delivered:


Default naming convention is applied by the software. For example: View1.

Name by Block for Expansion

Uses the selected assembly, block, or assembly block name. This rule is used for shell expansions in a block or assembly.

Names the view using "SHELL EXPANSION - "<PORT/STBD>" - "<assembly/block name>. For example, for a starboard-side assembly name of A0123, the view is named SHELL EXPANSION - STBD - A0123.

Name by Direction

Finds the primary input part in the view and the view direction returned from the orientation rule.

Names the view using <primary part name> "-" <view direction>. For example, for a member part view, the name is BU1900x750x15x50-1-001 - Along +Y. For a view with a deck plate part as the primary input, the name is <B412>-4LS.16-1 - Plan Looking Down.

Name by Grid Plane

Finds the primary input plate part in the view and uses the plate type and the grid plane used to create the parent plate system of the part. This rule is used for plate parts and intersection profile part.

For planar plates that lie on a major grid plane, names the view using <plate type> <grid plane name>"+ or -"<offset from grid plane>. For example, for a transverse plate defined by a grid plane of F234, the view is named Transverse F234. For a grid plane of F234 and a global coordinate system offset of -0.5 m, the view is named Transverse F234-0.5.

For plates that do not lie on a major grid plane (such as inclined plates, knuckled plates, and planar orthogonal plates that are between grid planes), names the view using <plate type> <parent plate system name>. Collected plates are sorted alphabetically, and the first parent plate system name is used.

For a shell profile view, names the view using "SHELL PROFILE -" <parent profile system name>.

Name by Parts for Expansion

Uses the selected plate part name and finds the transverse side location of part. This rule is used for expansions of a single part or expansions of multiple parts that are not selected by block or assembly.

View with an individual shell part

Names the view using "SHELL EXPANSION - "<PORT/STBD>" - "<plate part name>. For example, SHELL EXPANSION - PORT - <B0.1>-SH.1501-1.

View with an individual non-shell part

Names the view using "EXPANSION - "<plate part name>. For example, EXPANSION - <B0.1>-47_20223LS.102-1.

View with multiple shell parts not selected by block/assembly


Name by Query

Sheet name is the returned query name.

Name by Style

Names the view using the view definition name. For example, if the view definition used is “Mfg PinJig - Pin Data” then the view is named Mfg PinJig - Pin Data. See Define View Style Command (Tools Menu) in Smart 3D Drawings and Reports Reference Data for information about view styles.

Name by Template

This rule is applicable only to template set drawings.

The view name is the name of the template in that view.

Name for Full Expansion

This rule is applicable only to full expansion drawings.

Names the view using "SHELL EXPANSION - "<view definition type name>". For example, if the view definition used is "Starboard," the view is named SHELL EXPANSION - Starboard.

When the criteria for a selected naming rule are not met, the software defaults to the Default rule.

See Also

Working with Drawings and Reports and SmartSketch Drawing Editor
Components Overview