Dispatcher- Ongoing Maintenance - EcoSys - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

EcoSys Connect Installation and Configuration

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Copy Dispatcher logs to the host

  1. Issue the host shell command:

    docker run --user root --rm -ti -v dispatcher-log:/tmp/dispatcher -v $HOME/Dispatcherlogs:/tmp/dest alpine /bin/sh -c "tar cvzf /tmp/dest/dispatcher-logs.tar.gz /tmp/dispatcher/log/*"

    A folder named ‘Dispatcherlogs’ appears under the user’s home directory. It contains a logs archive called ‘dispatcher-logs.tar.gz’. An extraction tool such as 7zip (www.7-zip.org) can be used to extract the logs within.

Copy Tomcat Logs to the Host

  1. Issue the host shell command:

    docker run --user root --rm -ti -v tomcat-log:/tmp/tomcat-log -v $HOME/TomcatLogs:/tmp/dest alpine /bin/sh -c "tar cvzf /tmp/dest/tomcat-logs.tar.gz /tmp/tomcat-log/*"

    A folder named ‘TomcatLogs’ appears under the user’s home directory. It contains a logs archive called ‘tomcat-logs.tar.gz’. An extraction tool such as 7zip (www.7-zip.org) can be used to extract the logs within.