Configure the rules of progress in the rules of progress configuration workbook - Intergraph Smart Construction - 2019 (7.0) - Help - Hexagon PPM

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The following is a detailed work process that explains how to populate the ROP Configuration.xlsm workbook with rules of progress data. The Rules of Progress is managed using a configuration template and XML files. For more information on managing configuration files for Smart Construction, see Manage Template Files for SmartPlant Construction.

You must configure a vault for files attached to the configuration document objects in SmartPlant Foundation. For more information, see Configure a vault for files attached to configuration documents.

We recommend that you store and manage your rules of progress data in SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client; however, you can configure rules of progress data locally from the web site folder on the Smart Construction server in order to test and validate the data prior to storing and managing the configuration document in SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client. For more information about testing and validating locally, see Test and validate rules of progress data locally.

Edit and add rules of progress data for component classes

  1. Open the ROP Configuration.xlsm workbook. For more information on managing configuration files for Smart Construction, see Manage Template Files for SmartPlant Construction.

  2. Select a rate table tab to open rate table worksheet.

    Add a new worksheet to your workbook, if you want to add a new rate table to define work steps.

    If you add a new rate table tab to the ROP Configuration.xlsm workbook, you must copy the correct header and metadata to the new tab. Open a delivered tab, select rows 1 through 6 and columns A through F, copy and paste the data onto a new tab.

  3. Define the component class definition type in the Component Classes row (starting in row 1, column B). Separate entries with commas for multiple class definitions.

    These class definitions match class definitions of objects published to SmartPlant Foundation. In the following example, the class definitions include P3DPipe, P3DPipeRun, PDS_Dwg_Pipe, and PDS_Pwg_PipeRun. Any component mapped to these component class definitions use the values defined on the rate table worksheet.

  4. Define the lookup values for the class definition. Lookup values are preceded with a tilde (~) and are property definition names.

    In the following example, the lookup values include SPC_ComponentItem_Size, SPC_ComponentItem_Thickness, SPC_ComponentItem_Material, and unit of measure (UoM).

    • You can specify a range for lookup values that are scoped by double or a unit of measure (UoM) type in the schema. For example, you can specify a range for ~SPC_ComponentItem_Size and ~SPCComponentItem_Rating. If using a range, type ([Minimum value],[Maximum value]).

    • You can specify a list of properties for string lookup values, such as ~SPC_ComponentItem_Thickness. If using a list of values, type {Property value | Property value}. The list can only be applied to one lookup value per row. Multiple values must be separated by the pipe ( | ) in braces; these values are treated as an OR value. For example, {XS | XXS} would match all lookup values with a thickness of XS or XXS.

    • You can specify a UoM along with a lookup value that does not use a wildcard. Provide a value or range, add a tilde (~), and type the UoM display value, as displayed in SmartPlant Foundation. For example, you can search for a specific value, like 20~in, or a range of values, like (3-6)~m. If no matches are found using the value and the UoM, then the value is considered without the specified UoM. If no match is found using only the value, the rules of progress will attempt to match using wildcard values.

    • If you specify a UoM for one lookup value, you must also specify UoMs for all other lookup values that support UoMs in the same row.

    • The wildcard values * and ? can be used to define lookup values. If there is an exact match (all lookup columns match the values on the component exactly), the rules of progress uses that row. Otherwise, the rules of progress attempts a match on the rows that contain wildcards. If multiple rows that contain wildcards are a match, the rules of progress uses the first match.

    • The wildcard values cannot be used to look up the ~UOM lookup value.

    • You cannot use a wildcard value as a part of a range.

    • The wildcard value * finds any string of values. And, the wildcard value ? finds one value.

    • The ~UOM lookup value is required.

    • If you type data in the ROP Configuration.xlsm workbook and decide to remove the data, right-click the cell in Excel and select Clear Contents.

  5. In the purpose and work step column, define the IWP purpose in the first row below the component class definitions, the sequence number in the second row, and the work step name in the third row.

    • The IWP purpose must be spelled exactly the same as the purpose defined in the FIWP purposes enumerated list. For more information, see Configure Work Package Disciplines and Purposes.

    • The work step name is limited to 100 characters or fewer.

    • The sequence number is optional. All purpose and work step columns in a rate table tab must have sequences defined, or Smart Construction defines the sequence of work steps.

      In the following example, components with the Component Classes of P3DPipeRun, PDS_Dwg, and PDS_Dwg_PipeRun in an Installation IWP have the work step Install associated.

  6. Type [Consumes material] in the row below the work step name to specify which work step is to consume the materials.

  7. Designate a new work step rate basis for the given lookup row in the <Rate Basis> column, or designate a new work step rate basis in the fifth row of the purpose and work step column.

    If you choose use the default rate basis, Smart Construction calculates the rate based on units of a component. For more information, see Designate work step rate basis.

  8. Define a rate for the new work step value in the purpose and work step column.

  9. Save your changes in the workbook file.

Generate the XML file and retrieve documents

  1. Open the Main tab of the workbook.

  2. Click Generate configuration file to generate the XML mapping to be used during retrieve.

    After you generate the configuration file, Smart Construction informs you of any validation errors in the ROP Configuration.xlsm. Smart Construction highlights the tabs containing errors and, within those tabs, the cells containing errors.

  3. Verify the XML file generated to the location you specified when you checked out the files.

    If generating rules of progress data for the first time, browse to the Templates\ROP Configuration folder in the installation location. For example, browse to [Drive]:\Program Files (x86)\SmartConstruction\2019\Templates\ROP Configuration to find the generated XML file.

  4. Check in and sign off the workbook. For more information on managing configuration files for Smart Construction, see Manage Template Files for SmartPlant Construction.

    If generating rules of progress data for the first time, attach the ROP Configuration.xlsm workbook and XML file to the Rules of Progress configuration document in the SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client. For more information, see Attach the ROP Configuration workbook and XML files to the Rules of Progress configuration document.

  5. Retrieve documents into Smart Construction. For more information, see Getting Data into Smart Construction.

  6. Verify the correct work steps, rates, and values are associated with the correct type of component.