Review the Synchronize Model with Catalog error file - Intergraph Smart 3D - Administration & Configuration

Intergraph Smart 3D Project Management

Intergraph Smart 3D
Project Management
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Administration & Configuration
Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)

The software generates a log file (SynchronizeModelWithCatalogError.log) for Synchronize Model with Catalog to resolve any mismatches between the newly restored model database and the existing catalog database. The Synchronize Statistics table in the log file displays the following:

Site Proxies

Displays the number of site proxies, or the number of interfaces between two objects. A site proxy manages the relationship information between the model database and the catalog database. Examples of site proxies are material and material grade.

Symbol Definitions

Displays the number of relationships that a symbol has with the catalog. Relationships can represent version numbers, inputs, outputs, and time stamps of the symbol definition files (for example, .dlls and 2D symbols).

Proxy Stoppers

Displays the number of proxies that are flagged so that they are not updated during specific workflows. When you perform a full synchronization, the software overrides these flags and updates the proxies.

Symbol Updates

Displays the number of symbols in the model that are updated as a result of their symbol definitions being updated.


Displays the number of items in the category at the start of the synchronization.


Displays the number of related objects that are approved in the category.


Displays the number of items the software processed or marked as Out-of-Date during the synchronization.


Displays the number of proxy stoppers that failed to update the object in the model connected to that proxy stopper. If the update of the related object fails, then Smart 3D considers the proxy stopper as Failed. For example, updating the related object could result in an infinite loop and fail. The synchronization log contains information when the proxy stopper fails.


Displays the number of proxy stoppers that remain after the synchronization operation completes. When the related object of a proxy stopper is read only (could be because of the Approval Status or permissions), Smart 3D skips that proxy stopper/related object combination. This situation creates a remaining proxy. The software does not consider read only access to a related object as a failure, so these objects are not included in the Failed column.


Displays the number of deleted items.

Missing Catalog Objects

Lists the objects that have been deleted from the catalog, but are still referenced by other objects in the model. To resolve the items on this list, remove the model objects that reference these items. You can view the relevant model objects on the To Do list.