Edit Definition Dialog Box - Intergraph Smart Review - Help

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Intergraph Smart Review
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)

Edits the definition that the software uses to combine the objects that compose the selected display set.

If you select an editable display set in the Project Manager tree view, then the software uses the criteria definition of that display set as the current criteria definition for the command. This allows you to select a display set, run the Find Object command, and then find all the objects in that display set without having to manually re-enter its definition.


Provides access to the constructs needed to define the search criteria for retrieving the graphic objects to include in the display set. The software limits the display set definition strings to 32K. If the display set definition characters exceed the limit, then the software displays a warning message in the Text window and Smart Review truncates the string at the limit.


Begins a new line in the definition. Selecting a line in the definition and then clicking Insert places a blank line above the selected line in the definition. If you want to add a line below the currently-defined lines, click in the blank line below the definition and then click Insert. The subsequent constructs (discussed below) automatically display as you step through creating the definition.


Removes the selected line in the definition.


Removes all criteria in the definition.


Copies the current, complete definition (even if it is blank) from the clipboard.


Pastes the current complete text from the clipboard to replace the current complete criteria definition. If there is no text on the clipboard, then the criteria definition is not changed.

  • Click anywhere outside a pop- up list to dismiss the list.

  • Click Cancel to exit the dialog box while a pop-up selection list is active.

  • Press ENTER to select an item from a pop-up list. Press the arrow keys to scroll through the list without making a selection.

Composing the Definition

Defining the search criteria for the objects to include in the display set definition involves various operators that display in pop-up lists. The main operators are listed below.

  • FIND - Produces a group consisting of all the elements that meet the specified criteria.

  • FIND ALL BUT - Produces a group consisting of all the elements that do not meet the specified criteria.

After selecting either FIND or FIND ALL BUT, the software prompts you to select the definition type of the criteria: Data, File, Level, Color, Display Set, Volume Inside, Volume Overlap, Picked Objects, Linkages, or Duplicate.


Searches for the definition type by a data field name, a data operator, and a match string. An element matches data criteria if it has the specified application label data field, and the data in that field matches the match string according to the data operator. An element does not match if it does not have the specified label data field name or if it has no label data at all.

After you select the Data criteria type, the available data field names appear in a list.

The data field names are derived from the label data as follows: Each line in the label data is scanned for a colon (:) character. If a colon exists, then all the text to the left of the colon is considered the data field name. For example, the line: Equip no: G-7708A would yield:

data field name = Equip no:

data field data = G-7708A

If there is no colon in the line, then the first white space after the first text is used to delimit the name. Everything to the right of the first white space is considered the data field data. For example, the line: Equip no G-7708A would yield:

data field name = Equip

data field data = no G-7708A


Searches the model data for objects that have the same criteria as objects in other files.

The Duplicate criteria includes the following options:

  • Linkages - Finds objects that have the same linkage values, but ignores ranges and geometry definitions.

  • Ranges - Finds objects that have the same range values, but ignores linkages and geometry definitions.

  • Geometry - Finds objects that have the same geometry definitions, but ignores ranges and linkages.

  • Linkages and Ranges - Finds objects that have the same linkages and ranges, but ignores geometry definitions.

  • Linkages and Geometry - Finds objects that have the same linkages and geometry definitions, but ignores ranges.

  • Linkages, Ranges and Geometry - Finds objects that have the same linkages, ranges, and geometry definitions.

  • Linkages, Ranges, and Properties - Finds objects that have the same linkages, ranges, and properties.

  • Linkages, Geometry, and Properties - Finds objects that have the same linkages, geometry definitions, and properties.

  • Linkages, Ranges, Geometry and Properties - Finds objects that have the same linkages, ranges, geometry definitions, and properties.

  • Linkages with Different Ranges - Finds objects that have the same linkages but different ranges. The software ignores object geometry definitions.

  • Linkages with Different Geometry - Finds objects that have the same linkages but have different geometry definitions. The software ignores object ranges.

  • Linkages with Different Properties - Finds objects that have the same linkages but have different properties. The software ignores object ranges.

  • Linkages and Ranges with Different Properties - Finds objects that have the same linkages and ranges, but have different properties.

  • Linkages and Geometry with Different Properties - Finds objects that have the same linkages and geometry definitions, but have different properties.

  • Linkages with Different Ranges and Properties - Finds objects that have the same linkages, but have different ranges and properties.

  • Linkages with Different Geometry and Properties - Finds objects that have the same linkages, but have different geometry definitions and properties.

  • Linkages with Different Geometry, Ranges and Properties - Finds objects that have the same linkages but have different geometry definitions, ranges, and properties.

  • Linkages and Ranges with Different Geometry - Finds objects that have the same linkages and ranges, but have different geometry definitions.

  • Linkages and Geometry with Different Ranges - Finds objects that have the same linkages and geometry definitions, but have different ranges.

  • Linkages and Different Geometry and Ranges - Finds objects that have the same linkages, but different geometry and ranges.

  • Ranges and Geometry - Finds objects that have the same ranges and the same geometry definitions, but ignores object linkages.

  • Ranges with Different Geometry - Finds objects that have the same ranges but have different geometry definitions. The software ignores object linkages.

  • Geometry with Different Ranges - Finds objects that have the same geometry but different ranges. The software ignores object linkages.

The Duplicate keyword does not find duplicates between objects in the same file.


Displays the Files dialog box, which allows you to select the files in which to search for the graphic objects.

Click Files to change the sort order in the display.


Displays the Levels dialog box, which allows you to select one or more level numbers to search for the graphic objects. An element matches if it is located on one of the levels.


Displays the Colors dialog box, which allows you to select the colors of the graphic objects to search. You can choose one or more color numbers for your definition criteria. An element matches if it coincides with one of the chosen color numbers.

Search on the Files, Levels, and Colors dialog boxes allows you to either select files, levels, or colors that meet the provided pattern or selected object. For more information, see Search Dialog Box.

Display Set

Searches for graphic objects by selecting one or more display set names. An element matches if it is in one of the display sets. However, the definition list cannot reference display sets that refer to themselves, even if the reference is through another display set, because this would create a "circular" definition.

Volume Inside and Volume Overlap

Searches for graphic objects by specifying a volume definition (a portion of the model) by placing data points. An element matches Volume Inside if it lies completely inside the volume (area). An element matches Volume Overlap if it intersects or overlaps the volume (selected area), or if it lies completely inside the area. For more information, see Find Volume Inside/Overlap Dialog Box.

Picked Object(s)

Displays the Pick Objects dialog box, which allows you to select an object by clicking the graphic in the Main view. For more information, see Pick Objects Dialog Box.

  • The portion of display sets created using the Picked Object search criteria can be lost when the definition is edited in a subsequent Smart Review session. The picked objects portion is also lost if the display set definition is loaded using the Load Display Set form, or if the files containing these elements are modified. For these reasons, the Picked Objects search criteria should be used only in temporary display sets.

  • Because the order of the streaming .vue files varies with point of view and user actions and/or launching SmartPlant Foundation, object numbers are valid only per Smart Review session. That is, any display sets created with Picked Objects may not be correctly resolved in the next Smart Review session or after running the Refresh Data command. The object numbers may change depending on the order the data is streamed into memory. This order is determined by the current view of the data (for example, the location in the model data). Whenever your view location changes, different data can stream into memory in a different order based on view position and view direction. DMRS linkages are not based on the streaming order of objects, so an alternative is to create display sets by linkages. For more information, see Using Smart Review in Streaming Mode.

  • If data has streamed because the display set was created or loaded from the database, you must use the Tools > Refresh Data command to resolve the display set using the new data in memory. For performance reasons, display sets do not automatically re-resolve as new data streams in. For more information, see Refresh Data Command.


Displays the DMRS linkage. Smart Review automatically creates default DMRS linkages for each Smart 3D graphic object based on its unique identifier.

After you select the definition type and object, a list of data operators displays:

Equals (=)

Specifies that the data field information equals the match string.

Greater Than (>)

Specifies that the first number in the data field data is greater than the match number.

Greater Than or Equal To(>= )

Specifies that the first number in the data field data is greater than or equal to the match number.

Less Than (<)

Specifies that the first number in the data field data is less than the match number.

Less Than or Equal To (<=)

Specifies that the first number in the data field data is less than or equal to the match number.

Not Equals (<>)

Specifies that the data field information does not equal the match string. Wildcards are not allowed with this operator.

Combining the Equals (=) and FIND ALL BUT operators at the beginning of the line creates a similar but subtly different effect from using the Not Equals (<>)operator. For example,



FIND Item Type Equipment List, Number <> 100

Returns only the graphics objects in the model within the Equipment List item type (view definition) that have the Number property with a value not equal to 100.

FIND ALL BUT Item Type Equipment List, Number = 100

Returns ALL graphic objects in the model except for those within Equipment List item type (view definition) that have the Number property with a value equal to 100.

After you select the operator, the Enter Data dialog box appears, which allows you to create and edit the value selection for the label name.

For data operators <, >, >=, and <=, this value is simply a number to compare to. For the = data operator, this value is treated as a text string to match. The match string can contain the special characters * and ?, where * matches any number (even zero) of characters and ? matches exactly one character.

For example, the match string: *77?3*line matches the following cases of data field data: 12347713line, 7783line, 1247723 line, and 123477a3 water line.

The match string is case insensitive. For example, if a label value is stored exactly as "New" in the label database, the following definitions will return the same results:

Find DATA Construction status = New

Find DATA Construction status = new

Find DATA Construction status = nEw

Find DATA Construction status = NEW

  • The software displays all of the known values for the currently-selected label name in the Data box on the Enter Data dialog box when you click the list.

  • When switching operators from non-numerical to numerical data, Smart Review converts the current value, if possible, to a numerical value.

  • The software presents all values (even non-numerical values) when entering numerical data for inequality operators.

  • When switching attribute names in existing definitions, the software does not automatically change the current attribute value. You must edit the current attribute value.

After you have defined a single criteria line, the following criteria operators are available for additional criteria lines in the definition:

  • ADD - Creates a group that consists of the previous results, plus all the elements that meet the current criteria.

  • ADD ALL BUT - Creates a group that consists of the previous results, excluding all the elements that do not meet the current criteria.

  • KEEP ONLY - Creates a group that consists of only the elements from the previous results that meet the current criteria.

  • THROW AWAY - Creates a group that consists of the previous results, minus all the elements that meet the current criteria.

Smart Review adds an element to a group only once, even if it meets multiple definition criteria. This list is followed by a list of criteria for your second line, and so on. Thus, you build the definition by selecting from lists, and these lists vary in content according to each stage. For more information about sub-definitions, see Working with Display Sets.

Example: Basic Search

The following definition defines the search criteria for all pipes:

FIND Data Diameter >= 10

KEEP ONLY Data Line No = *8011*

KEEP ONLY Volume Overlap 123 N, 444 E, 377 El - 400 N, 550 E, 500 El

THROW AWAY Level 12,15

  • The first line creates a group of all the elements that have a number greater than or equal to 10 in the Diameter field.

  • The second line searches this new group for elements that have the text 8011 somewhere in the Line No field. In this way, the previous group is narrowed down to a new group that includes only the elements that meet both criteria lines.

  • The third criteria line creates a new group by searching the last group for elements that are inside or overlap the specified volume.

  • The fourth line then throws away any elements in the group that are on levels 12 or 15. Because this is the last line, this final group of elements is the one selected by the Search For Objects Matching Criteria command.

Example: Search for "Null" Fields

The following display set definition is based on a search for any element that has an empty field in the Service category.

FIND Data Service: = *

THROW AWAY Data Service: = ?*

The first line creates a group on all elements that contain a Service field. Then an additional search criteria is used to throw away any element that contains at least one character in the Service field. The elements remaining will contain no entry (null) in the Service field.

See Also

Edit a Display Set Definition