Use Display Paths and Points Modes to Edit Paths - Intergraph Smart Review - Help

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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)

Display Paths
Display Paths and Points

Provides editing modes that allow you to change the start, end, point timing, and length or duration of animation paths in the Time Area pane. You can change the start time by dragging the animation path in the Sequencer to the new date. You can shorten or lengthen an animation path to change the time duration.

  • ScheduleReview animations are read only. The Start and Finish dates cannot be changed using the Sequencer. To change the dates or any other project data, you must change them using the third-party application and then use the Animation > ScheduleReview > Refresh Active Project command to update Smart Review. Click Refresh on the Sequencer to make sure you are seeing the most recent changes.

  • If you know the exact dates or duration for a Display Set animation, the Sequencer provides an Edit Path shortcut menu command that allows you to manually enter start, end and duration time values. For more information, see Edit Display Set Paths.

  • Use Display Paths and Points if you need to see the path points when adjusting the animation path. The points are visible for reference purposes only and cannot be modified. For more information on how to modify path points, see Adjust Points in an Animation (Display Set and Key Frame).

  • If you have Display Set animations set up in a relationship group, any changes causes the Animation Sequencer to dynamically update related Display Set animations. For example, when you change the start date of a Display Set, the Animation Sequencer dynamically updates and changes any related or dependent Display Set animations. For more information, see Define Display Set Animation Dependencies.

Change the Start Time

  1. Create your animations, and then click Animation > Sequencer.

    You can also use ALT+Q to open the Sequencer.

  2. Click Display Paths .
    To see both the animation path and points, click Display Paths and Points .

  3. In the Time Area pane, click on the animation path to change.

    The selected path changes color.

  4. Select the animation path again and drag it to the new start date.

    You can drag the animation path when the cursor changes to a crosshair .

    For more precise placement, use CTRL + mouse wheel to zoom into the Time Area pane to see more time details down to the hour and second.

  5. Click Play so that you can see the animation starting at the new time.

    • Double-click on a path to move it so its start date is positioned to the location of the progress bar.

    • Right double-click on a path to move it so its end date is positioned to the location of the progress bar.

Change the Duration

  1. In the Time Area pane, click on the Display Set or Key Frame animation path to change.

  2. Click on the left end (start date) of the animation path and drag it to the new start date. To change the end time, click on the right end of the animation path and drag it to the new end date.

    The Animation Sequencer automatically scales the spacing between points based on the duration.

See Also

Save and Recall Views Dialog Box