Lighting Tab (Add Current/Edit View Dialog Box) - Intergraph Smart Review - Help

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Intergraph Smart Review
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)

Sets the light intensity and sun bearing angles to control lighting for the shaded model. Lighting settings allow you to determine the exposure of light on the model, which changes the intensity of the image's colors.

Ambient from 0 to 100

Specifies the light that surrounds everything in your display. A common value of ambient light is 25.

Brightness from 0 to 10

Specifies the exposure of light on the model that changes the intensity of the colors in the image. This is similar to setting the aperture and shutter speed of a camera. The value for this field is between 0 and 10.

Horizontal from -180 to 180

Defines the horizontal angle of the sunlight coming into the model. The values for this field are between -180.0 and +180.0. Positive values are counterclockwise along a horizontal plane.

Vertical from -180 to 180

Defines the vertical angle of light coming into the model. The values for this field are between - 180.0 and +180.0.

Relative to plant north

Specifies whether the horizontal and vertical angles of light are relative to model North or relative to the direction of the Main view.

Ambient occlusion

Provides a more realistic lighting for objects by accentuating small surface details and adding soft shadows. The example shows 3D objects before and then after with ambient occlusion activated.

  • The Visuals tab is only available in Tablet mode and only enabled if Smart Review is using graphics card acceleration.

  • Anti-aliasing uses your system’s display adapter to smooth surfaces in the model. You can use Anti-alias in the Main view by itself or in combination with Shadows and Outline settings in which the outline width is set to 2 or 3.

  • Ambient Occlusion is not supported for snapshots.


After (notice the added soft shadows):


Produces a major reduction in thin-volume coincident surface flashing during animations (especially on thin I-beams). Using this option requires more processing resources and may result in decreased performance, which varies by video driver and graphics card.

Cast shadows

Specifies whether the light should cast shadows in the Main view. This option is selected by default. The Cast shadows option is also enabled when you set the Performance slider to the Quality setting. You can lower the ambient setting to get a darker shadow.

See Also

Set Lighting Intensity
View Settings Dialog Box
Set Sun Bearing Angles