Analyze custom piping load cases on equipment - CAESAR II - Help

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This example procedure analyzes a centrifugal pump with a manually-defined load case.

  1. In the main window ribbon, click Analysis > Components > Equipment Analysis .

    The Equipment Analysis dialog box displays.

  2. Select the type of equipment you want to analyze in the Equipment pane on the left (such as Analysis Menu API 610 ICON API-610), and then click Add .

    Default equipment (such as Analysis Menu API 610 ICON for API-610), nozzles , nozzle loads , and load case sets display in the Equipment pane.

  3. Select the equipment (such as Analysis Menu API 610 ICON Pump1 for API-610) in the Equipment pane, and specify properties on the Input tab.

  4. Select a nozzle in the Equipment pane, and specify properties on the Input tab. Repeat for each nozzle.

    To add a nozzle, select the equipment, and then click Add .

  5. Select a set of nozzle loads . On the Load Cases tab, click Add Case Add LC ICON > Add Custom.

    A blank row with the default name 1u displays in the grid.

  6. On the blank row, specify the required load case name, forces, and moments. Repeat for each set of nozzle loads.

    SHARED Tip You can also define all nozzle loads on a single tab when you select Load Case Sets.

  7. Select Load Case Sets.

  8. To create a load case set, select one load case from each nozzle.

  9. At the bottom of the Load Case Sets tab, click Create a Set from Selected Load Cases Add LC ICON .

    A load case set displays in the Load Case Sets grid.

  10. Repeat the previous step for each required load case set.

  11. Click Save .

  12. Select the equipment (such as Analysis Menu API 610 ICON for API-610) in the Equipment pane, and click Analyze .

    The software analyzes the equipment and nozzles. After analysis completes, the software displays a report on the Output tab.

  • Some properties are not required.

  • The software limits analysis to the selected item in the Equipment pane. For example, select Analysis Menu API 610 ICON Pump1 to analyze all pumps or select Suction to analyze only that nozzle for the pump.

  • You can use custom and imported load cases in your load case sets. For more information, see Analyze load cases imported from a model on equipment.