General Notes - CAESAR II - Help

CAESAR II Users Guide

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This file contains the status of the data conversion from the CADPIPE ISO system to the CAESAR II stress analysis package. The data contained in this file is grouped into three sections:

  1. Entity information

  2. Segment connectivity information

  3. Final interpreted CAESAR II data.

Anomalies with final CAESAR II model geometry should be traced through this file, possibly back to the CADPIPE connectivity file. Notes and warning messages are shown below as necessary.

Because all required CAESAR II data is not available in the CADPIPE environment, CAESAR II must make certain modeling assumptions. As such, it is important that you verify the following assumptions:

  1. Thicknesses of .05 are generated by the software because no match could be found in the standard CAESAR II diameter/thickness tables. This value must be corrected after it is in CAESAR II.

  2. Rigid elements are assumed to have a weight of 1.0. This value should be corrected after it is in CAESAR II.

  3. Temperatures, pressures, and other loading items are not available for transfer by the interface.

  4. Restraint information is not available for transfer by the interface.

  5. Material #1 (low carbon steel) is assumed by the interface.