Graphic Settings - CAESAR II - Help

CAESAR II Users Guide

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The Graphics Settings category provides access to configuration settings that used to set the different plot option colors, font characteristics, and the view options.

Advanced Options

Contains options that should only be used by graphics experts. For more information, see Advanced Options.

Background Colors

Contains options that define the color of the plot window. For more information, see Background Colors.

CADWorx Options

Contains options that define the color and behavior for CADWorx drawings imported into CAESAR II models. For more information, see CADWorx Options.

Component Colors

Contains options that define the color for various components in the plot. For more information, see Component Colors.

Marker Options

Contains options that set the node marker color and size. For more information, see Marker Options.

Miscellaneous Options

Contains options that determine how graphics are displayed either by default or when using the Reset Plot option. For more information, see Miscellaneous Options.

Output Colors

Contains options that set the colors used when plotting code stress in output. For more information, see Output Colors.

Text Options

Contains options for defining font, font style, font size, and color. Scripts are supported. For more information, see Text Options.

Visual Options

Contains options that control general plotting visibility. For more information, see Visual Options.

To change a color, click it once and then click the ellipses button that appears to the right. Select a color in the dialog box that appears, and then click OK. To save the color settings, click Save and Exit before closing the Configuration Editor.