Setting the Default Shell - Intergraph Batch Services - Help

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Intergraph Batch Services
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You can assign a default shell to each batch queue. The default shell is used in cases where the user does not specify a shell when submitting a job to the batch queue.

Manager privileges are required to set the default shell for a batch queue.

Using Batch Manager:

  1. Select the batch queue.

  2. Select Queue > Properties.

    Batch Manager displays the Queue Properties Dialog Box.

  3. Select the Shells tab.

  4. Select a shell from the Shell List box, and click Set Default.

  5. Click OK.

Using the command line:

  1. Start qmgr.

  2. Use the set default shell command to set the default queue for the server.

Using the Batch API:

  1. Use the BatchGetQueueInfo to obtain the BATCH_QUEUE_INFO_2 structure for the queue.

  2. Edit the BATCH_QUEUE_INFO_2.v.batch.defaultshell value as desired for the queue.

  3. Use the BatchSetQueueInfo function with the edited structure to set the new default shell.