Understanding queue states and job states - Intergraph Batch Services - Help

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Question: I do not understand the difference between enabled/disabled and started/stopped.

Answer: Enabled and disabled are "inflow" states. They control whether or not the queue will accept new jobs. Started and stopped are "outflow" states. They control whether the queue will run the jobs that are already queued. When queues are created, they are both disabled and stopped. You must enable and start a queue before you can submit and run jobs in it.

Question: I do not understand the job states "WAITING," "TRANSITING," "QUEUED," or "RECURRING."

Answer: QUEUED: A job that has been accepted into the queue, but is not being processed by the queue yet.

TRANSITING: A job that is being routed from a pipe queue to a destination queue.

WAITING: A job that has been accepted into the queue, but is waiting on an event before it can be executed. The most common reason for a job to be in the WAITING state is that a future start time for the job was specified.

RECURRING: Jobs scheduled to run more than once are called recurring jobs. When a recurring job is not running, it stays in the RECURRING state until its next occurrence.