Deleting a Queue - Intergraph Batch Services - Help

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A batch or pipe queue cannot be deleted if the queue is started or if there are jobs in the queue. Only users with manager privileges on the server where the queue is located are allowed to remove queues.

Using Batch Manager:

  1. Select the queue to be deleted.

  2. Stop the queue Queue > Stop, or by clicking Queue Stop Stop Queue on the toolbar.

  3. Abort all running jobs in the queue using Queue > Abort.

  4. Delete any jobs in the queue using Queue > Purge.

  5. Disable the queue using Queue > Disable, or by clicking Disable Queue Disable Queue on the toolbar.

  6. Delete the queue using Queue > Delete, or by click Delete Queue Delete Queue on the toolbar.

    Batch Manager requests confirmation before deleting any queues.

Using the command line:

  1. Start qmgr.

  2. Stop the queue using the stop queue command.

  3. Abort all running jobs in the queue using the abort queue command.

  4. Delete all jobs in the queue using the purge queue command.

  5. Disable the queue using the disable queue command.

  6. Delete the queue using the delete queue command.

Using the Batch API:

  1. Stop the queue using the BatchStopQueue function.

  2. Abort all running jobs using the BatchAbortQueue function.

  3. Use the BatchPurgeQueue function to delete any jobs remaining in the queue.

  4. Disable the queue using the BatchDisableQueue function.

  5. Delete the queue using the BatchDeleteQueue function.