Create Queue: General - Intergraph Batch Services - Help

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The General tab provides information of general interest about the queue:

Queue Name

Specifies the name of the queue. You must specify a queue name to display any other tabs.


Allows you to specify a description for the queue.

Disable Job Inflow While Running Job

When selected, the queue will not accept a new job if another job is currently running in the queue. Therefore, if a pipe queue is configured to send to any of several different queues, the queue that is not busy will accept the job, enabling the job to run immediately.

Job Inflow

Displays the inflow state of the queue. The inflow state is either enabled or disabled. An enabled queue will accept new jobs that are submitted or transferred to it; a disabled queue will not. You can change the inflow state using the Enable or Disable commands on the Queue Menu, or the appropriate toolbar buttons. The inflow status for a newly created queue is Disabled.

Job Outflow

Displays the outflow state of the queue. The outflow state is stopped, started, or stopping. A stopped queue will not run the jobs it contains. A queue must be started in order to run jobs. You can change the outflow state using the Start or Stop commands on the Queue menu, or the appropriate toolbar buttons. The outflow status for a newly created queue is Stopped.