Common SmartPart Attributes - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D Hangers and Supports SmartParts Configuration

Intergraph Smart 3D
3D Symbols
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)


Type a value from the MaterialType column of Material sheet. The Material sheet is in the AllCommon.xls workbook.


Type a value from the MaterialGrade column of Material sheet. The Material sheet is in the AllCommon.xls workbook.


Type a codelist number or text from the CoatingType sheet of the AllCodeLists.xls workbook.


Type a codelist number or text from the CoatingType sheet of the AllCodeLists.xls workbook.


Type a codelist number or text from the CoatingColor sheet of the AllCodeLists.xls workbook.


Type a codelist number or text from the hsSupCatalog sheet of the HS_System_Codelist.xls workbook.


Type the minimum nominal diameter for which the part can be used. This option is only used for a part used for conduit and pipe assemblies.


Type the maximum nominal diameter for which the part can be used. This option is only used for a part used for conduit and pipe assemblies.


Type the units for the NDFrom and NDTo values.


Type the dry weight of the support component. For variable length parts (for instance, Strut parts) implement IJHgrSymbolWCGServices interface and use the IJHgrSymbolWCGServices_EvaluateLocalWCG function to calculate the weight of the part. For parts that have a constant weight plus some variable length component, add IJUAhsWtPerLen::WtPerLen and IJUAhsWeight::Weight columns in the Partclass sheet. DryWeight = (WtPerLen * VarLength) + Weight. Here, weight is the dry weight of the constant length part.


Type the X-axis location of the dry center-of-gravity.


Type the Y-axis location of the dry center-of-gravity.


Type the Z-axis location of the dry center-of-gravity.

If DryCogX, DryCogY, and DryCogZ values are not provided, the software automatically calculates these values. WetCogX, WetCogY, and WetCogZ have the same values as DryCogX, DryCogY, and DryCogZ respectively.


Type the code that represents the mirror behavior for the part. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the MirrorBehaviorOption sheet in the Codelist Number column. This option is not valid for hanger parts and hanger assemblies.


Type the code that defines how the BOMDescription attribute for this part will be set. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the HngSupBOMType sheet. If no value is entered, the BOM description for the part defaults to the PartDescription text. For smart parts, use BOMType as 2 to set the BOM description to the PartDescription value.


This is a True/False value that is common to all smart parts. It should be set to True if the part is embedded in concrete. It is used for reporting purposes.


This is a text field in which the user can type any text that is common to all smart parts. A report can then be written to display any special notes on a part. Also, the MTO report on a drawing could be extended to add a column to show these notes if needed.