Evaluation Notes - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 2020 (10.0) - Help - Hexagon PPM

Intergraph Smart Materials Classic Help (2020)

Intergraph Smart Materials
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Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version
2020 (10.0)

Evaluation notes can be used to record bidder and evaluation process-related information at any time. There is no limitation for updates. Data can be entered regardless of whether a quote has been rejected, selected, or approved.

The only restriction is related to the buyer and his privileges. If you do not own the ASSIGN BUYER privilege and you are not the buyer of the inquiry, you can only enter notes for those bidders to which you have been assigned as buyer.

If higher inquiry supplements exist, modifications are not allowed either.

The evaluation notes can be entered on the Evaluation Notes tab.

The Order by … Bidder/Company Name/Company/Buyer radio group at the top of the tab allows you to order the data within the matrix on the right either by bidder, company name, company, or buyer. The order of the technical evaluation checklists can be set as usual by either clicking the Order By ... button or by using the pop-up menu. This sort order is shown in the Ordered by field.

The four lines on the top display, by default, the Bidder, Company Name, Company, and Buyer information. This display can be changed using the CIP functions get_first(second/third/fourth)_field and get_first(second/third/fourth)_prompt. You can find these functions in the package m_pck_company_custom.

Enter the sequence number of the evaluation note in the Seq field.

In the Evaluation Note field, you can enter any free format text containing notes on the evaluation.