Place a revolved plate system - Intergraph Smart 3D - Help

Intergraph Smart 3D Molded Forms

Intergraph Smart 3D
Molded Forms
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Smart 3D Version
12 (2018)
  1. Click Revolved Plate System Command on the vertical toolbar.

  2. Specify the sketching plane for the curve and rotation axis using one of the following methods:

    Define a coincident plane
    Define an offset plane
    Define a plane using a point and a normal vector
    Define a plane using three points

  3. Click Add Intersecting Item .

  4. Select objects in the model that intersect the sketching plane that you want to use as reference geometry.

    These extra objects display in the Sketch 2D environment.

  5. Click Add Projection Item .

  6. Select objects in the model that do not intersect the sketching plane that you want to use as reference geometry.

    These extra objects are projected onto the sketching plane and display in the Sketch 2D environment.

  7. Click Sketch 2D .

  8. In the Sketch 2D environment, sketch the curve for the revolved plate system. This is the curve that is to revolve around the axis.

  9. Draw a straight line to represent the axis of rotation for the revolved plate system.

  10. Select Axis of Rotation (located under the Select command in the Sketch 2D environment), and then select the straight line that you drew for the axis of rotation. The software changes the line color to green to indicate that it accepts the selected line as the axis of rotation.

  11. Click Finish in the Sketch 2D environment.

  12. Click Accept .

  13. Specify the revolution angle.

  14. Click Accept .

  15. Define the plate system boundaries using one or more of the following methods:

    Pick boundaries
    Define a boundary curve

  16. Click Accept .

  17. If the boundary definition results in more than one solution, you must select bounded areas that together compose the total bounded area. Pick the needed solutions using the following procedure:

    Solve ambiguous boundaries

  18. Set the remaining plate system properties.

  19. Click Finish.