Add a Note to Key Points using CSD - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D Hangers and Supports Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
Hangers and Supports
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version
12 (2018)
  1. For this example, notes (with Show dimension checked) are added to the key points using CSD, so that the horizontal and vertical dimensions can be obtained in the support fabrication drawing as shown below.

  2. Open Assy_FR_IT_LS.cs in the PipeHgrAssemblies.csproj in [Product Folder]\3D
    Pipe\PipeHgrAssemblies folder.

  3. In the ConfigureSupport method, add the following code to set the note on the available key points to obtain the needed dimensions.

    Dictionary<string, SupportComponent> componentDictionary = SupportHelper.SupportComponentDictionary;

    Note note1 = CreateNote("Dim1", componentDictionary[HOR_SECTION], "BeginCap");

    note1.SetPropertyValue("", "IJGeneralNote", "Text");

    CodelistItem codeList1 = note1.GetPropertyValue("IJGeneralNote", "Purpose").PropertyInfo.CodeListInfo.GetCodelistItem(3);

    note1.SetPropertyValue(codeList1, "IJGeneralNote", "Purpose");

    note1.SetPropertyValue(true, "IJGeneralNote", "Dimensioned");

    Note note2 = CreateNote("Dim2", componentDictionary[HOR_SECTION], "EndCap");

    note2.SetPropertyValue("", "IJGeneralNote", "Text");

    CodelistItem codeList2 = note2.GetPropertyValue("IJGeneralNote", "Purpose").PropertyInfo.CodeListInfo.GetCodelistItem(3);

    note2.SetPropertyValue(codeList2, "IJGeneralNote", "Purpose");

    note2.SetPropertyValue(true, "IJGeneralNote", "Dimensioned");

    Note note3 = CreateNote("Dim3", componentDictionary[VERT_SECTION], "BeginCap");

    note3.SetPropertyValue("", "IJGeneralNote", "Text");

    CodelistItem codeList3 = note3.GetPropertyValue("IJGeneralNote", "Purpose").PropertyInfo.CodeListInfo.GetCodelistItem(3);

    note3.SetPropertyValue(codeList3, "IJGeneralNote", "Purpose");

    note3.SetPropertyValue(true, "IJGeneralNote", "Dimensioned");

  4. Compile the dll and place it in the [Product Folder]\3DRefData\SharedContent\Bin\HangersAndSupports\Rules\Release folder.

  5. Place the support in the Hangers and Supports task by selecting Assy_FR_IT_LS as the value for Type, and create the drawings. The dimensions are displayed between the key points, and the notes are added.